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Ren was pleased.


Well, things were looking up! Grian was safe, and False was back! They had Evil Xisuma (apparently named Xerexis?) on their side now. Joe was keeping the nether star trapping Heidi with him at all times, keeping it safe.

The nether star that they planned on disposing of today, in the end.

At a meeting that Ren was currently late for.

Doc was going to kill him.


To Ren's surprise, he wasn't as late as he assumed he would be. He'd beat Doc, Grian and False there at the very least, Xisuma scrolling through an admin log while Scar and Xerexis spoke in a corner, somewhat tense. Mumbo was sitting on a corner, nervously fliddling with a lever, while Joe was sitting with Iskall, both of them keeping an eye out, Iskall perking up when they saw Ren enter the area. 

Ren couldn't help but smile upon seeing Iskall, the dragon hybrid looking quite happy and excited to see Ren. 

Ren was still surprised that they'd managed to humanize (well, start to) Iskall, although he couldn't say he wasn't pleased with it. 

Joe then looked up, warmly smiling at Ren, who enthusiastically waved at Joe. Before Ren could divert his attention to Scar and Xerexis, or Xisuma, the flutter of an elytra and Grian's chatter alerted everyone to Doc, Grian and False's arrival. 

Doc was grumpy as he walked in, and looked like he needed some sort of caffeen, while Grian was bouncing around, barely touching the floor in his fast paced walking. Grian's wings were behind him, with bandages wrapped around them and pink particles faintly eminating from Grian. False walked in from behind Grian, somehow a mix between Doc and Grian. she looked tired, but happy, with Bandages wrapped around her knuckles and wrists, her gloves gone. 

"So, are we ready to head to the end?" Scar asked after False closed the door behind her, and Xisuma looked up from his admin panels, clicking a button on his communicator. The pannels shut down, and he stood up, stretching out. 

"I think so, yeah. Do we need to do anything else before we go?" He asked, and when no one aid anything, Xisuma continued. "Excelent. Now, Grian, are you able to fly with those wings?" 

Doc answered for Grian. "No he's not. The bone's broken. I've tried to set them, and I've brewed a few regeneration potions for Grian, but it'll take a bit for him to use them again." 

"Then someone will need to carry Grian while we're in the nether hub, on the way towards the end portal then, since I don't think 'the doctor' would recommend that Grian tries to wear an elytra over his injured wings." Xisuma decided. When Ren looked over at Doc, Doc gave a swift nod in confirmation. 

"I could carry him." Xerexis offered, walking over, and Xisuma visibly recoiled. 

"No. Absolutely not, Xerexis." Xisuma said. Xerexis visibly flinched, muttering something under his breath, and Ren softened slightly. 

False surprisingly spoke up. "Come on, Xisuma. We can trust Xerexis. He wouldn't have saved Grian and I if he was against us." She insisted. Xisuma still looked hesitantly, however after a moments consideration, he finally sighed. 

"Fine. If no one else wants to, or is strong enough, then Xerexis can carry Grian." Xisuma decided. 

Everything felt silent, until Grian said something. "Good to know you all love me so much." He joked, and Ren laughed. So did the others, but mainly Ren. Oh, and Mumbo. Mumbo seemed to like Grian's joke a lot. 

"Hey, I'm not strong enough!" Mumbo joked back. 

Xisuma laughed, before shaking it off. "Are we ready to go?" He looked around again, and Ren nodded. The others must have as well, because Xisuma smiled. 

"Have you got the star, Joe?" Joe nodded, and Xisuma pulled a few rockets out of his inventory. 

"Then let's go." 


The end was cold. 

Colder than Ren liked. 

There was a bitter chill in the air, and the air was too thin to breathe comfortably. There was no wind, and while it was too thin to breathe in, it felt heavy on Ren, weighing down on him. 

The end always made Ren feel sad and weighed down, to be honest. Regretful. 

Maybe it had that same effect on everyone, maybe it didn't. Ren wasn't sure, but he didn't like the end. He wanted to get out of there as soon as he possibly could. 

Following behind Mumbo and False as they headed over towards the edge, to the void, he watched Joe dig through his inventory, pulling out the nether star. It glowed in Joe's hands, although it felt off. It gave off a redish light, which Ren thought might tie into it keeping Heidi, the red coloured demon thing captive, but he wasn't sure. 

Joe didn't seem to like holding the star though. He almost immediately passed it to Xisuma, who stared at it in disgust. Grian was terrified of it, cowering between Mumbo and Xerexis, grasping onto Mumbo's arm like a child would. 

Reasonable, Ren figured. 

Without a word from anyone, Xisuma punted the star into the void, Ren stretching over as he watched the nether star vanish from sight. 

Which, in his opinion, was very good riddance. 

One down, two to go now, right? Ren was fairly confident that because they'd gotten rid of one, they should be able to get rid of the others now, right? 

Of course, it wouldn't be as easy as just touching them with the star again. Ren knew that Xisuma had gotten lucky, considering Heidi was on her own, and without her host, Grian. Rowan and Kady both had hosts: Tango and Stress respecitively, and Ren knew from others tales, that Rowan and Kady were bad.

Really bad. 

So Ren wasn't sure how long it would take. He wasn't sure if he'd reasonably be able to fight Tango or Stress. They may not be themselves, but it was still their faces that he was fighting. Still them that he was going to be fighting, and Ren didn't like it. 

It was hard enough to fight Stress last time, with Doc helping him. Neither of them wanted to injure her, but what choice did they have? 

Maybe things would go to plan. Maybe they wouldn't. Ren wasn't entirely sure. 

For now though, he'd enjoy the destruction, and death of Heidi. 

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