Chapter Thirty One

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Susanna's POV

        Everything felt so strange. No one really knew what I went through inwardly while I was unconscious, but I do. Anyways, after having the tests that the doctor required, he released me. He was praising God the whole time, and the last words he said as I was leaving were, "Susanna, you know what kind of a miracle God preformed with you, don't you? By all medical standards you shouldn't have woken up for at least a few more days if at all. A lot more damage could have taken place. God has something in store for you, young lady, He isn't finished with you yet!" I smiled, boy did I ever know. God had brought me back from the brink of death do live again.

        I've been out of the hospital for several days now, and I agreed to go on a walk with Joey. He's a pretty good guy. It's cute how protective of me he is being too. I feel like I have had a refill of God through my experiences and I don't know just feel refreshed in a way. I know that God had brought me here to Nashville and laid everything out in His plan so that I could glorify Him. This tour thing, the one that the Anthem Lights guys are telling me about. I think that's what God wants to use as my launching pad for Him down here. At least for this season of my life. Joey is looking at me now, I must have zoned out for a little bit. "What was that again?" I ask, politely.

        "You seemed deep in thought. I asked if you wanted to head on back home." There was concern in his beautiful blue eyes.

        I gave him a confident smile, "I'm fine, Joey. I really needed out for some fresh air. And of course the company doesn't hurt either."

        Before he could respond we got distracted by a guy that was trying his best to turn his charm on a seemingly uninterested girl up ahead. He was even giving her a "suave" wink. Joey shook his head, "That right there is something I can not do at all!"

        "Wink? I thought everybody could wink?" I answered with a laugh.

        My laughter grew as he showed me his version of a wink. It was more like blinking for him, and I could tell he was really putting the effort in there too. I mean he even tried it while raising his eyebrows. "See ... this is my wink! My brother and some friends of ours all had a wink contest. The results were pretty hilarious. Did I mention we did that on a live chat just before Christmas? For the WHOLE world to see. Okay maybe not that extreme."

        I walked over to a railing by the walkway we were on, and leaned against it. The smile on my face and the laughter coming from my throat felt like a miracle straight from God. And the same thing for this life I have been living and these people He has blessed me with getting to know.

Joey's POV

        I've been watching Susanna a lot today. It may not make much sense to say, but she seems so much more at peace. As she leans on the railing, watching the water below, I see her close her eyes and scrunch her forehead in pain. She is trying to remember something. I can tell by that face.

        She turns to me, "Joey...." She suddenly seems shy. "Did we... oh I can't believe I almost said that..." She turns to walk away.

        I reach out and stop her, turning her back to me. "What, Sus? Did we ever what?"

        "Talk about dating?" She blurts out the words, and her cheeks turn a rosy pink.

        I feel my own face heat up too. "Talk about it? Not really. Why do you ask?"

        "Not important." She murmured. But I can tell she's not saying something.

        "It's something or you wouldn't say it." I said leaning on the railing next to her.

        We watch the water quietly together for a few minutes. "I ... I went through a lot... thought about a lot of things... while I was unconscious. I don't want to date anyone, Joey."

        Her voice trailed off, and my heart sank. "I see.."

        "It's a long story. God was working with me, long story short. I don't want the sort of casual dating thing lots of people do anymore. I want... when I get a boyfriend.. I want it to be someone who I could see having a future with." She paused and the painful look came back on her face. "I keep remembering a few things at a time. Some little things, some big. Sometimes places or senses will make me remember again." She sighed and her light blue eyes locked on mine. "I'm beginning to remember how things were between us.... I like you Joey Stamper. As more than a friend..."

That's What I'm Looking For (Anthem Lights Fan Fiction) Book 1 in the "Light For You" Series (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now