Chapter 23.

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"The art of a good book is the way you feel when you're lost in the words of the author, their ability to take you out of the real word and bring you into their world simply through words on pages is magnificent."
Miss Lenkin's love for he subject is enough to make you want to love it too just as much.
If she was a sales person you would buy whatever she was selling.
I don't need that push though. I agree with every word.
"The escape a novel can give you is a true blessing when you hang on every word."
She smiles at the class, "which is why I've decided I want you all to read a book."
Half the class groan and she just shakes her head smiling.
"You will take a reading list and pick one book from that list. I'm going easy on you, considering you've got your project to work on."
"Miss do we have to pick from the list?"
Someone asks from the middle row.
"Yes you do."
She answers sternly.
"I've picked books that I have already read I know them inside and out. I've read every review online, so you have to actually read the book to pass."
She looks closely at us.
"For those of you who think Google will help, it won't."
She chuckles to herself.
"Read one book from the list and next week I want to hear your thoughts and feelings of the book. I want to know how you interpret the authors words. Choose a section of the novel you want to talk about."
For me this is the easiest assignment she could have given me.
When she passes the reading lists around the class room Chase turns to look at me smiling.
He suspects I've already read most of the books on the list and I smile back.
I've read them all, from Northanger Abbey to The Importance of Being Ernest. 

"Can anyone tell me what they think makes a good book?"
Her smile falters when she looks around the room at a disinterested class of teenagers, reluctant to give any feedback.
"Everyone in here could read the exact same book."
Chase speaks now, putting our poor sweet teacher out of her misery.
"We could all read the same book, but we would all interpret the words of the author differently. We will all be affected differently by the same words and the same plot. The beauty of a good novel is the feelings it ignites within us. How it opens conversations and discussions like this one."
I look at Chase in admiration.
"When you said reading is an escape, I agree. When you become lost in a book to the point you've forgotten where you are.  When you feel one with the story and start to loose track of realty and the book, that is Literature in its glory."
I adore this boy and his beautiful outlook on the world.
Miss Lenkin's also looks impressed, she nods along with Chase.
"I couldn't agree more Chase, thank you for that."
When class ends Lola gallops over to me with a knowing smile on her face.
"Have you decided what book you're reading yet?"
I cock my eyebrow and laugh.
"Why so you can read the same one?"
I make quotation marks with my fingers and Lola gives me her best fake innocent look.
"Come one Al, you've probably read them all anyways and plus it's not fair she's making us do this and our pair assignment, is she serious."
Before I respond Chase comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist resting his chin in the gap of my collar bone.
"Is she begging for help again?"
Chase teases.
"When isn't she asking for help?"
I banter him back leaning further into his arms. He kisses me shoulder laughing at Lola's expense.
Lola frowns at us.
"I liked it better when you guys didn't talk."
She scans the almost empty room.
"I thought you were keeping things on the down low?"
She changes the subject, her voice full of judgment.
"Oh piss off," Chase mutters into my neck making me giggle.
"I mean you can tell you're fucking, you reek of sexual frustration."
"Piss off."
I reiterate Chases words and we all laugh together.
As the laughter fills the class room, I find myself relishing in the moment.
Feeling like a normal couple laughing along with their friend.
No secrets, no dark clouds or confusion and pain lurking in the shadows, just seniors enjoying their last year together.

I'm walking out of gym at the end of the day relieved that the school day is over.
I never thought I would be the student running out of school. But here I am.
"Can we talk?"
Tate sheepishly approaches me.
I don't look back instead I keep walking.
"Please Ally."
I can sense how desperate he is.
"Are you going to force me to kiss you again?"
I bark slightly harsher than I intended.
"I really am sorry I did that to you."
I sigh and turn to face him.
"I was just so mad the whole shit with Chase was driving me crazy."
I can't believe the brass if this guy.
"So what? That makes it okay to force me to do something I didn't want to do?"
"Fuck no, I didn't mean it like that."
He looks down and I know he feels some guilt.
Although the way he's talking I don't think he is completely sorry.
"You're sorry, okay can I go now?"
I see Tate differently now.  He probably sees me differently too but what I feel right now is nothing but hatred to him.
"Are you together?"
He pauses, "you and Chase I mean?"
I shake my head.
"We're just spending time together and seeing how that go."
Flash backs of how this conversation ended last time invade my mind.
"I need to go Ta-"
"Wait," he holds his hands out to stop me and I flinch. 
I swear he notices but he chooses to ignore it.
"I'm sorry for the mess I made of things. I really am. I know this is my fault. But I think we need to stay away from each other."
I sigh, "at least for a little while, we both need to heal."
I eye him warily unable to read his facial expression.
"So that's it. You're just going to pretend we meant shit to each other?"
I close my eyes and exhale.
"Or is it true? Was I just a waiting point till Chase decided you were good enough for him again?" His voice is raised and he's edging closer to me and I can feel myself sinking like a scared child. I don't allow myself too be weak.
"I know I hurt you, but you hurt me too Tate."
I tell him and walk away. I didn't stoop to his level of cruel and I didn't show him weakness I leave him alone with my head held high. 

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