Chapter 25

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  • Dedicated to Tricia Mendoza

“Hey guys, I’m really really sorry but I have to go now, mom’s coming over to Irah’s place and uhmm” I said shaking “She’s probably gonna kill me, or not, but still gonna kill me ughhh!! I lied and I’d be dead, Oh GOD! Help me” I said then the Awkward Silence happened.

“Okay Goodbye” I said quickly walking away, but a hand caught me, Great, what now? “Yeah we need to go, how?” Oliver freakin’ whispered in my ear. And I remembered that Hunter dropped us here, wait, they were enemies right? I mean Oliver punched Hunter and stuff. But how di-?

“Hey I just wondered, is Hunter still your bestfriend?” I asked. Okay that was random but what the hell?

“Well after that thing, you know, I said sorry cuz, yeah I was drunk. Now, how about Giana and Ranz?” He asked.

“We should take them with us” I said

“You’re in big trouble” Ranz said as he stands

“We need a car, and fast” I said panicking

“I’ll call Brett and see if he’s available” Oliver said getting his phone from his right pocket. 

“Uhm, why don’t you just take a cab” Giana requested. Right. I’m an idiot!

“Guys let’s go now” I said and we left the mall

Whew, 15 minutes of screaming and yelling at the cab driver really makes him work fast. We finally got to Irah’s place and at the front of their porch stands my wicked mom and her car near the garage. The four of us came out. Irah opened the door.

“Hi, Irah, I just want to ch-“ Mom said but unfortunately Ranz cut her

“Mom!”He exclaimed, mom turned around

“Oh there you are, honey, I just went to you school to get your things, your schedules. I’ll give them to you the first thing in the morning. Uhm, I’ve got to go because we have a meeting in the office, I’ll be back by 9 o’clock, I left some pasta in the microwave just heat it if you want and –“ she said

“Mom?! Work, meeting, bye?” Ranz said

“Okay” she said “Goodbye honey” and she left and started the car. 

MONDAY morning I decided to wake up a little early to fix my things because I didn’t had the chance to fix them so yeah. It is 7:00 have to go. I went downstairs and grabbed some waffles mom just made. 

“Hey honey, I forgot to give you your schedule, here” mom said grabbing a paper inside her bag. I can’t help but to look around

“Mom, where’s June & Ranz?” I asked 

“Oh, they already left” she said

“What?! Huh. Excited much.” I said. Silence.

“Okay mom I’ve got to go. Mom, where’s your key?” I said looking for it

“Wait, I thought Oliver’s gonna pick you up?” mom said

“What?”I said raising my Channel bag like a model. But before I knew it someone beeped outside our house. Hmf. Probably Oliver. 

“Well he asked me last night, when he almost left if he could and I said ‘yes’.” Mom said

“Shouldn’t I be the one saying ‘yes’ which I would practically say ‘no’ if you had a chance to ask me if he could?” I said trying to be calm. 

“Well, come on. Why are you sad about this, isn’t he your boyfriend?” SHIT. Then there’s a knock on the door, Oliver popped his head on the door.

“Good morning Mrs Mendez, Tricia” He said I turned around 

“Oh Good morning Oliver, off you go, you might be late” mom said and Oliver came near and put his arm around mine

“Okay, Goodbye mom” I said sounding too kind

Oliver led me to the front door to his car. I went inside without saying anything. Half of our ride was a complete silence, well not exactly the radio was on. 

“Well, I’ll pick you up at 4:00PM alright?” Oliver started

“Alright” I said

“Are you going to the bonfire this Saturday?” he said

“I’m not sure” I said looking at the window then looking at him

“In case you come, I just want you to be with me. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He said smiling a little

“I’ll think about it” I said with a little smile

“Okay, we’re here!” he said turning off the car

“Alright” I said opening the door and leave

“If you” he said which stopped me from walking “ever think about it right” “What?” “That would be great” he said showing off his killer smile then he went off the car

“Oliver!” someone flirtatiously screamed his name 

“Shelby!” one girl who I think Izy was called , I turned around to get a full view and I saw that girl who called me b*tch and a**hole. “Fuc-dge” I whispered angrily in the air. I turned around to watch them and I saw SHELBY clinging her dirty hands on Oliver, I saw Oliver looking towards my way, I bet he saw my irritated face, so I quickly turned around and went straight to my locker. 

“Hey girl” Irah said as Paula, Giana, June and Natalie walking behind her.

“Why do you look so” Paula said but didn’t continue

“Retarded” Natalie unfortunately continued then I sighed

“Just irritated” I said

“What happened?” Irah said

“I saw Oliver with Shelby flirting” I said as I get my books 

“You mean Shelby the Cheerleader. The Captain” Giana said

“Alright guys, how come you know her and I didn’t?” I asked

“Because we’re awesome” June said before giving a high-five to everyone

But unfortunately the bell rung. What subject? English History


A/N sorry for the super late sucks so yeah here it is..i promise you that the i will update next week :)) 



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