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Under the tree of life,
Far from the horizon she longed,
Birds sang in melancholy,
As her childhood hope died.

Beneath the dancing leaves,
Away from the moonlight’s touch,
The noise of the city echoed,
As nostalgia of the old life hit her.

The gray clouds above her head,
Poured the rain hidden in her eyes,
A lover of shore sat on a sea of tears,
Drowning in the memories and what ifs.

Like the untamed waves in the ocean,
Unafraid to move where the wind would blow,
Never hesitant to dance with the storms,
She wished to live a life of the same fate,

She wished to live a life of no regrets,
For the memories she could have made,
For all the people she could have kept,
If only she wasn’t scared to take a risk.

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