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She had wondered before
Who was the worst visitor
Among those who knock
During her sleepless nights

Could it be Loneliness?
Carrying heavy baggages
Of its suffocating solitude
Like a desperate homeless
Begging for a place to belong

Perhaps it was Anxiety?
Who never actually knock
Instead, sneak behind her back
Hoping to catch her off guard
Like a thief who wanted to steal
Not her money, but her sanity

Maybe it was Anger?
Her always aggressive visitor
Whose knocks can wake neighbors
The one she usually let in the most
For it was accompanied by tears
And the longing to be heard

Tonight, she was already certain
When she heard a single knock
That echoed in her hollow heart
She opened the door but saw no one
As she crumpled her unfinished poem
The worst visitor stayed—Emptiness

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