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Tale as old as time
Poets who knew how to rhyme
Lovers who experienced it firsthand
And maybe you have even spoken about
The undying tale of an unrequited love
You might have even remembered
The warnings of those who've been there
As they sang the lyrics of their pain
You listened to those melancholy
And wonder why they can't just have
The people they have fallen in love
Maybe you have even labelled cruel
Those who did not love them back

But have you ever heard the voices
Behind the cause of such heartbreak?
Or you simply paint them as the villains
Whose stories don't deserve to be read?
This is not meant to invalidate the pain
Of those who suffered one-sided love
But to give voices to the genuine ones
Who chose to politely refuse affections
They know they'll never be able to match.

Old poem.

RHYMES OF MELANCHOLYWhere stories live. Discover now