Chapter One - Meeting Gale

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I wake up by the sound of my alarm. I quickly hit snooze before I'm going to be deaf. I groan before getting up. It's 6:45 AM.
I grab some underwear and a towel before heading off to my bathroom. I take a quick shower and braid my hair to the side. I want to look extra pretty today because I'm gonna see Gale after two months.

I think back at the day I met him.

I was fourteen at that time. It was a typical summer day and my mom, Prim and me were off on a trip to District 12. Prim and I had our summer break. I was wearing some basic shorts with a black and white striped tank top and blue flats.

My mom was organizing our vacation house and told me to go into the woods and look for a nice bouquet of flowers. I was walking to the opening of the fence that kept all the wild animals outside 12 and saw a pretty lake with a lot of dandelions around it.
Since dandelions are my favorite flowers I decided to get a bouquet of them.

I walked out of 12 and walked my way to the lake and saw someone collecting wooden sticks. He tried to pick a stick up but his hands were pretty full already. I walked over to him and picked the stick up and placed it on top of the others he held in his hands.
Big, strong hands.

"Thank you," he said. "My name is Gale, what's yours?"

"Katniss," I murmured.

"Catnip?" He said.

"No, Katniss," I said, a tad louder.

"Oh, I thought you said Catnip," he laughed. I giggled. What was that weird sound I made? I normally never giggle.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

"Yeah, a little help is always useful." He replied.

I took half of the wooden sticks he had in his hands and we walked our way out of the woods.

"So, are you from here?" He asked.

"No, me, my mom and little sister are here on a trip. We have our summer break. What about you?" I said.

"I live here, I am from the Seam. It's like a suburb. I was gathering some firewood, because were gonna have a campfire party tonight. It's basically a party where you drink and play games around the campfire. It's a Seamtradition. It starts at eight. Would you like to come?" He asked. I felt my cheeks flushing. A handsome guy asked me to come to his party! I tried to answer casually, but my "Sure!" sounded a little too excited. Damn it.

"Great! If you give me your number, I'll text you my address," he said.

We reached the gate as I said "Okay,". He took out his phone and I put my number in his contact list. We talked about nonsense on the way to his house. Once we reached the house, I laid the wooden sticks on the ground.

"Thank you for carrying the wood for me, I'll see you tonight?" He said.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it!" I replied. No too excited this time.

"Me too! Bye, Catnip," he said with a smile while walking inside his house.

"Bye," I said, not sure if he could hear me.

I walked away from his house, with a smile plastered onto my face. I walked to my vacation house, while plucking some random flowers I found on my way. I reached the little house and walked inside. I put the flowers in a vase and walked to my room. I hummed a song and danced my way to my closet. What do you wear when you're going to a campfire party? I know it isn't that cold at night, and especially not when your sitting by a fire.

I guess some shorts with a knit sweater then. I took a look at my phone to see the time. 5:22 PM. Gale didn't text me yet. I have to admit that I was pretty disappointed that I didn't receive a text message yet. I guess I'll take a shower then.

After showering and getting changed, I put some thin eyeliner and mascara on. I blowdried my brown hair and curled it with a curling wand. When I looked in the mirror after getting ready, I was pretty proud of myself. My curls fell loose on my shoulders and my makeup brought my grey eyes out. By the time I was ready, it was 6:57 PM. I looked at my phone, and I had received two new messages.

From: Unknown Number
Hey Katniss, this is Gale and not some pervert.

I chuckled and scrolled to the newest message.

From: Gale
Here is the address, it's not at my house but at my friend's. Wallis Street 24 at the Seam. Look online if you can't find it. See you tonight!

I smiled and walked downstairs to watch some tv. By the time it was 7:45 PM, I had seen a lot of episodes of Bridezillas. Man, if I ever get married, I'm so totally gonna hire a wedding planner.

I kissed my mom goodbye and walked to the street. I had printed the map out so I could easily walk there. Once arrived, I ringed the doorbell. A lady opened the door.

"Hi, you must be Katniss. I am Theresa, Theo's mother. They are in the garden, I'll show you the way," she said, gesturing inside.

"Yes, thank you Ma'am," I said, smiling.

"Oh, just call me Theresa," she replied.

We walked trough the big, mostly wooden stuff, house. The backdoor was open and I saw everyone sitting. There were five boys, including Gale, and two other girls. They were sitting on benches placed around the fire. I sat on the last empty space next to Gale.

"Hi, you look very pretty tonight," he said, making me blush.

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself either," I said.

He chuckled. Everyone introduced themselves and the other two girls seemed to be in a relationship with two of the boys sitting on the bench next to me. The other boy was Theo, Gale's friend, who lived here.

"So, tell me about yourself," Gale said. I told him pretty much everything, even about my father's death.

"It's sad to hear that," he said, while putting an arm around my shoulders.

"I was only three, so I don't remember much about it," I said.

"Now, tell me about you," I said. He told me a lot of things. I learned that he was sixteen and that his father left him and his mother when she was pregnant of Gale.

"Oh," was the only thing I could bring out.

"It doesn't hurt me anymore," he said, while smiling painfully.

"We'll talk about something else," I said, while putting my head on his shoulder.

"I want to show you something," he said, smiling.

"Okay," I replied, smiling back. He took my hand in his and walked to the porch, down to a small meadow, on the opposite way of Theo's house. We walked into the meadow, his fingers entwined with mine. The meadow was beautiful. Full of flowers, grass and the sun was setting.

Perfect, you could say. He sat down and I sat down with him. He pulled me closer towards him and wrapped an arm around my waist. I placed my head on his shoulder again.

"It's so beautiful," I said.

"You are beautiful," he replied. I moved my head off his shoulder and looked in his deep, grey eyes. He put a strand of hair behind my ear and leaned in. I leaned in too.

Then he kissed me.

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