Chapter Fifteen - Moving

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It's been a few minutes of me crying into Grayn's shoulder. He continues to rub my back comforting me, as I calm down.

"Oh, Grayn, what am I supposed to do now? Where do I have to live now? I don't even have a house anymore!" I say.

"I'm sure you can live with me, we'll make a little baby room in my walk in closet," he says, softly smiling. I can tell he's smiling softly because he doesn't want to hurt me.

"Are you sure your parents are fine with that?" I ask.

"Yeah. I mean, you are my fiancée and we are having a baby together, so they can hardly say no," he says.

After a few seconds his face begins to fill with worry and fear.

"Sille, did your mother punch or kick you in your stomach?" He asks desperately.

"No! I don't know why, but she didn't hurt the baby, don't worry," I reply.

"Thank God, I was scared she hurt the baby," he says, rubbing my stomach.
"But I want to take you to the hospital anyways."

"Okay, but I can't really walk," I say, frowning.

"Well, be happy I'm strong and I can help you," he answers.

"Should we first tell your parents what's going on?" I ask.

"Yes, but do you want to tell my family you're pregnant now?" He asks.

"That might as well be the best," I answer.

Grayn picks me up and helps me walking downstairs. His two brothers and their parents are watching tv in the living room.

God, now I'm really nervous.

We walk in the living room and they all turn their heads in our direction. Their faces turn from happy to see me to shock to see in what state I am.

"Oh my God, hunny! Are you okay?" Their mother asks me.

"We're going to the hospital now, we'll explain this when we get back," Grayn answers for me.

"We'll come with you guys," Their father answers. He and the others immediately get up and grab their jackets and shoes.

"Come on, baby," Grayn says. He picks me up and places me in his car, on the passengers seat. The minute I sit, I feel myself passing out. This is not good.

I hear voices. My mothers voice. My fathers voice. They don't seem happy. Well, they never are, with me in their life.

"Stab her, do it now! Do it when she's still asleep! I'll cut her baby out! I'll kill both of them!" My mother yells at my father.

"No, you can't do that! She has to live, she has a life inside of her! You'll destroy everything!" My father replies.

"I don't care! I hate her! She destroyed my everything! Everything I ever wanted! All I wanted was a little boy! But then she has to be a stupid whore!" She screams.

I open my eyes and see them standing. Everything is red, I feel pain everywhere. My stomach is flowing with blood. Where is my baby? Is it alive?

My mother turns around with my baby hanging lifelessly in her hands. She is holding a butcher knife.

"Oh, I see the bitch has woken up! Well, look what I am gonna do to this little monster!" She screams, laughing devilishly.

She pulls out the knife.

She begins to laugh hysterically and begins to stab my baby. Blood everywhere. After she's done she throws my baby on the floor and walks over to me, the bloody knife still with her.

"Now I'm gonna kill you! I'll be so happy without you!" She yells. She begins to laugh again and traces my facial features with her knife.

Just when she's about to stab me, I am woken up.

"Shhh, honey, you're safe, you're with me! I'm with you, you're safe," Grayn says. He caresses my cheek with his thumb.

I open my eyes and the first thing I see are Grayn's blue eyes. Just looking into them calms me down.

"I'm sorry, I had a nightmare," I say.

"You don't have to be sorry," he answers. He gives me a sweet smile, which I return.

"How's the baby?" I ask, frowning.

"It's alright, it's heartbeat is steady, don't worry about the little one," he says.

"Thank God! I had a nightmare about my mother stabbing it and then killing me," I say. Now I notice I have tears on my cheeks.

"Your mother won't touch you, I'll make sure," he answers. My heart skips a beat.

"Where are the others?" I ask him.

"They are in the shop, do you want me to go get them?" He asks.

"Yes, but we have to tell them what's going on," I reply, frowning.

"It has to happen eventually," Grayn answers. He stands up and walks to the door.



"I love you,"

"I love you more,"

And then he's gone.

After five minutes of waiting, the door opens and Grayn's family walks in. His parents, Peeta and their other brother, Raice.

They all take place in a chair next to my bed, and greet me.

"Honey, how are you?" His mother asks.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking," I answer, smiling to her.

"We have to tell something," Grayn says.

I just hold my right hand in the air and let them see my ring.

"Oh my God! Are you guys getting married? That's amazing!" His mom squeals.

His father just smiles. I guess he knew Grayn was gonna propose to me.

"That's not it," I say.

They all look at us, faces full of surprise.

"The little one wants to say hi," Grayn says, while placing a hand on my abdomen.

"YOU ARE PREGNANT?! Oh my God! I'm gonna be a grandma! Oh my God!" His mother is smiling so widely, her mouth could rip any second.

Everyone tells us how happy they are and Grayn and I just smile to each other.
So this is what happiness feels like.

"But what happened with you, Sille?" His father asks.

We explain the situation and tell them everything.

"Now I have to figure out where to live," I question myself.

"It's fine, we have space for you," his father says. What?

"So you mean, like, I can move in with you?" I ask, shocked.

"Yes," he says.



I know, it's a bit of a violence chapter, but yeah.

So I have a new After Mockingjay Fanfic, called "Scars", and it's up now lol. DistrictEffie made the cover, thank you!😘

Love you guyssssss💋



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