Chapter Two - Worst. First. Day. Ever!

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So after that we became girlfriend and boyfriend.

When I'm finally back in reality, I put on some winged eyeliner and nude makeup. I walk to my closet and grab some shorts with a simple shirt and throw a cardigan over it.

It is summer so I don't wear warm clothes.
Ugh, the beginning of a new school year.

Which pair of shoes? Ah, white Converse it is.

I walk my way downstairs and see my little sister Prim sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal in front of her.

She is too busy texting on her phone and sometimes throwing her head back in laughter. I guess she has a new boyfriend. She is fourteen already, so it doesn't bother me anymore.

I decided to ask her about it.

"Prim, who are you texting?"

"Rory," she replies absently.

"Oooh, like lovey dovey stuff?" I tease her.

"Maybe," she says with a grin on her face.

"Oh, my little Prim is growing up, now eat your cereal before they become squishy,"
I say while grabbing my own bowl of cereal. We both laugh.

We eat the bowls of cereal in silence, both accompanied by our phones.

When we are are done eating, she puts our empty bowls in the dishwasher and puts her hair in a bun.

She looks so much older when she began to do her makeup. It doesn't look awful like mine did though, when I started doing it.

I grab my jacket and my car keys and close the front door behind me. I walk over to my car and step inside. I turn the radio on and put it on high volume.

While singing along with the lyrics, I drive to my new school.

Gale begins his final year today. After that he is gonna go to college. We are going to keep contact but it's gonna be harder to see each other, because he wants to go to a university 159 miles away.

We'll see how we are going to figure that out.

I park my car on an empty spot and a motorcycle parks next to me. A tall guy with very muscular arms steps off. He takes his helmet off and ashy blonde hair is revealed.

Oh. My. Gosh. He is very hot. Oh no, I can't think that! I have a boyfriend!

He looks at me and I discover he has ocean blue eyes. Before it can get any awkwarder I turn my car off and grab my bag. I step out of my car and lock it.

"Hey," he says, with a sexy low voice.

"Hi," I reply, with a soft smile.

"My name is Peeta, I am new here, what about you?" He asks.

Don't be weird now, Katniss.

"My name is Katniss, I'm new here too," I say.

"Okay, in which class are you?" He asks.

"Class 5C, and you?" I ask

"Me too! At least I know one classmate now," he says, laughing. I laugh with him.

Damn, he's cute.

We walk inside and to the administration. A lady with perfect straight grey hair is sitting behind a desk. I wonder how she gets her hair like that.

"Hello, are you the new ones?" She asks.

"Yes, my name is Peeta Mellark," he says, looking at me.

"And my name is Katniss Everdeen," I smile to the lady.

"My name is Alma Coin, I'm the student counselor. Okay, I have your temporary schedule for the week and a map," she says, handing over a package.

"Thank you, we'll find our way now," Peeta says.

"Class starts in 20 minutes, so in that time you two can go to the cafeteria with the other students," she says.

"Okay, thank you for your help," I say, a soft smile playing on my lips.

Peeta and I are walking off to the cafeteria and I can't wait to see Gale. We reach big black doors and open them.

There aren't a lot of people yet, but I see a group of girls and a few boys sitting at a big table. They look around my age, so I decide to go to their table.

"You want to go to that table?" I ask him, while eye-pointing at them.

"Sure," he replies.

We walk closer and some of them look at us. I feel my cheeks burning of nervousness.

Once we reached the table everyone is quiet and looking at us.

"Hello, my name is Katniss and I'm new," I say.

"And I'm Peeta, also new," Peeta adds.

A lot of hi's and hello's flow around the table.

Everyone introduces themselves and I learn that the 5 girls at the table are Clove, Annie, Johanna, Glimmer and Delly. The 4 boys are Finnick, Cato, Thresh and Marvel.
They all seem very nice.

On the table next to us are some fake-looking girls with a lot of black makeup on.
There is one girl that is the worst.

Whorey outfit and super high heels, check.

"They are the schools top whores, the girl with the high heels and whorey outfit is Madge. She used to be nice but he turned into a total slut," Johanna says.

I decide to not give them all my attention and begin a conversation with Annie.

The rest of the 20 minutes we talk about which class we're in and we are all in the same class. After the school bell rings we head off to our first hour Science.

The rest of the school hours are going very fast. I haven't seen Gale all day. I texted him, but didn't get an answer. He's probably sick.

The bell goes and we all storm outside.

I go to my car and get inside. I ride off and head to Gale's house as I come up with a great plan. I'm going to park my car at the beginning of his street, so he won't see my car coming.

I park my car and sneakily walk to his house. I reach his front door as I hear weird sucking noises coming from his garden. I walk to his garden door and sneak into his garden as I see something HORRIBLE.

Gale is kissing the school whore, Madge.

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