Chapter Sixteen - What?!

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Tonight, Peeta, the others and I are going out for dinner. Sille told us to come at the Steak Restaurant. Peeta is going to pick me up at five-thirty. It's two o'clock right now, and I picked out a black lace one-sleeved dress to wear. I'm going to curl my hair and put some winged-eyeliner on. But first, I'm gonna shower.

I pick up some comfy clothes and hop into the shower. I quickly wash my body and hair and dry myself. I blow dry my hair and put my make up on. I quickly do my hair and get dressed.

Peeta is supposed to pick me up in ten minutes. I'll just read a book then.

After ten minutes I hear a knock on my door. I open it and Peeta is standing in the doorstep, wearing a leather jacket with a grey T-shirt underneath it, on top of some jeans. Smokin' hot. I laugh inside my head about my weird thoughts. I'm so weird.

He pulls me into him and he wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap mine around his neck, combing through his messy blond hair with my fingers. He smiles and his lips connect mine for a long, passionate kiss. After a long time we finally break away.
Peeta looks at me with a big smile on his face.

"Hello, handsome dude! You really look nice," I say, grinning.

"I can say the same about you, darling," he puts an emphasis on the last word. I know what he's doing, and I'll make him see that I'm better at that game.

"Well, thank you, baby. Let's go," I say, pulling away from him.

I walk past him and I know he's smiling as a goof because of my comment.

We get in the car and drive to the restaurant. Peeta places a hand on my thigh, which creates goosebumps all over me.

We arrive at the restaurant and Peeta helps me out of the car. I entwine our fingers and I see that everyone's car is already there.

We walk inside and to the garderobe to give them our coats. We then walk to the rest of our little group. They are sitting at a round table.
Sille brought her boyfriend, Peeta's brother.

"Hi guys!" I say and Sille stands up to give me a small hug.
I notice she has a little belly. Did she eat too many sweets? Ah, it's probably nothing.

"Hello, how are you? You look great!" Sille says.

"I'm good, thanks. You too!" I reply.

Peeta and I say hi to the others and sit down on our seats. Peeta is on the left side of me, Annie on my right. We look at the menu card and order some food. After we ordered the food we order some drinks.

We chat a little bit and then the waiter brings our drinks. I was just about to take a sip, when I feel a hand being placed on my thigh. I choke on my drink and cough. What is he doing? I mean, I don't mind but... Not here!

He begins to draw circles on my thigh and I get goosebumps all over again. Oh, how his touches make me have goosebumps. He notices I got goosebumps and he smiles.

"So, Grayn and I want to tell you guys some things. At first, this happened," she says, holding up her left hand, revealing a beautiful silver ring with a small diamond on it. She is grinning from head to toes.

"Oh my God! Sille! You're engaged! Congratulations!" Everyone squeals.
Happiness from this moment fills the room.

"Thank you, thank you! But there's another thing I want to tell you guys," she says.


"I'm going to be a mommy!" She says.


"You're pregnant too? Oh my God! I'm so happy for you!" I say. Everyone tells them how happy they are and soon our food comes.

I ordered some lamb stew since that's my favorite food of all times. Next to Peeta's cheese buns of course.

"So, when are you due?" I ask.

"The 14th of August," Sille answers, smiling. She smiles a lot tonight.

"That's wonderful! So where are you gonna live now?"

"Well, my mom kicked me out of the house when I told them, and since then I've been living at Grayn's house," she quickly explains what happened and I'm shocked.
Why would anyone do that to their child?

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked that," I say.

"It's okay, it's all better now," she says, smiling to Grayn. They are so cute together.

We continue eating dinner and Peeta's hand begins to draw circles again. With shivers running down my spine and goosebumps everywhere I try to look normal. When I look at Peeta, he smiles and winks at me.

Soon, we finish eating and we leave the restaurant. We say our goodbyes to each other and Peeta helps me in the car. Not that I couldn't do that myself, but just because he wants to be a gentleman.

We drive off and to my house. My sister and mom aren't there tonight, they are staying at my grandparents' house.

He parks the car on the lane and we get out of the car. Peeta locks it and leads me inside.

When I close the door behind me, Peeta grabs my waist and crashes his lips into mine. My hands fumble through his hair and he pushes me up against the wall. I lace my legs around his waist and we continue passionately kissing. Soon, the kiss turns French.

He takes off my shoes while kissing and throws them on the floor. He kicks off his own and carries me up to my bedroom. On the way, he unzips my dress on the back. It falls off on the floor and I am left in my underwear. I rip off his clothes too and we have an amazing night.

Lol hello guys.

Just wanna let you know that I'm going on a vacation from Friday till Monday, so I will not have or maybe a little wifi. If I have wifi I'll update my stories, so stay tuned!

Love you guyssss 💋



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