Chapter Seventeen - Eight Months Later...

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I updated this bc I made a few changes in the story, you'll understand why in the future updates!


It's Saturday today and I am woken up by my phone ringing. I groan and grab my phone. It's two in the morning, damn it!

"Hello?" I groggily say.

"Is this Katniss Everdeen?" A heavy voice says. I can hear some bleeps.

"Yes," I answer. Who is this?

"This is doctor Boggs, your friend Sille is having her baby and she asked me to call you. Her water broke one hour ago and she is three centimeters dilated," he says. SILLE IS HAVING HER BABY! Oh my God!

"I'll be there in five minutes!" I yell excitedly. I hang up and jump out of bed. I've never been THIS excited.

I throw on some clothes and grab an apple before running out of the door. I jump into my car and turn the engine on. I grab my phone and send Peeta a text.

To: Peetiepie 💞🍞


I race to the hospital and see Peeta's car already there. Of course, he came with Grayn, since Sille is living with them. Why didn't I think of that? I'm so dumb sometimes.

I quickly get out and walk into the hospital. I walk to the infocounter and ask the person behind it where Sille is. She gives me the room number and I walk to Sille's room.

I knock and then walk in. I see Sille laying on the bed, Grayn sitting right at her side (how cute) and Grayn's parents in the room. Peeta is nowhere to be seen.

"Hi, Sille! How are you doing?" I softly say.

"It's going alright. Not too fast, as you can see," she laughs. I laugh too.

"Where's Peeta?" I ask.

"He's getting some coffee, he'll be back soon," Grayn answers.

"Okay. So, are you excited to be a daddy?" I ask. They didn't want to know the gender of the baby, so I don't know it either.

"Very. Can't wait, actually," he smiles. I send him a smile back.

Suddenly, Sille is cringing her whole face. I didn't know she could do that.

"Woah, contraction kicking in," she says, once it's over.

Everybody laughs and Sille's green eyes turn to me.

"Did you bring 'the thing'? She asks. Only we know what it is. It's the baby blanket from her father.

"Yes, don't worry," I answer.

"Thank you," she smiles.

There's a knock on the door and Peeta walks in, carrying a tray with five cups of coffee. He even thought about me, how sweet.

His eyes lock with mine and he lights up. I smile and he smiles back.

"Hey! I thought you weren't here yet, but I brought you some coffee," he sweetly says.

"Thank you," I answer. He hands me the cup and gives the others a cup as well.

"Did you put some sugar in it?" I ask.

"Yes, I know you don't like it without it," he says. I swear, my heart just tripped over itself.

"Thank you," I say. I sweetly smile at him.

The hour passes and soon, a doctor comes to check up again.

"Hello, how are you doing? Oh, I see that you're nine centimeters dilated, you're ready to push!" She says.

"Really? That's fast!" Grayn says.

Peeta and his parents walk out of the room, since Sille only wanted me and Grayn with her when the baby was coming.
She hasn't seen her parents since they kicked her out of the house.

The doctors place her legs on special things that support her. A doctor stands by the place the baby comes out of and Sille starts pushing.

"One, two, three!" The doctor counts to ten.
"Good job, another push in three, two, one!"

Sille pushes and pushes and after ten minutes, we hear a baby scream.

"You did it! Your little girl is born!" The doctor says.
A girl?!

"My daughter! Our daughter, Grayn!" Sille cries.

I feel tears of happiness escaping my eyes, and when I look at Grayn, he cries as well.

"Here's your baby," the doctor says, placing a small bundle in Sille's arms. She immediately holds it, like really professional. Tears escape her eyes.

"What should we name her?" Grayn asks.

"Aviana," Sille answers.

They have a little moment of happiness and true love, as I slip out to tell the others.

I walk out of the door and see them standing, so I walk over to them. Everybody turns to me as they see me coming with tears in my eyes.

"She's born," I say.

"She?" Raice asks.

"It's a girl, her name is Aviana," I answer. Everybody freaks out, out of happiness.

We walk back into the room and they give Sille a quick hug and tell her how proud they are of her. Everyone gets a turn, holding Aviana. I can see how admiring Peeta looks at children. I can tell he will be a great dad when he's older.

"Kat, would you like to hold her?" Sille suddenly asks. I'm pulled out of my fantasy world of Peeta and a little baby.

"Yes, of course," I say. I walk to her bed and Sille hands Aviana over. I'm struggling a bit, but after a few seconds I manage to hold her in the right way.

I rock her a little, and I notice she has Grayn's dark hair and nose. But then she opens her little eyes and a flash of green reveals itself. She has Sille's eyes.

"She has your eyes, Sille," I say.

She is gonna be a good mother.



I'm at a cafe right now where I have thirty minutes free wifi, so yay! Update!

I'll be going home tomorrow, it's Sunday evening right now (21.38).

Love you guyssssss💋



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