Chapter Thirteen - Not Planned But Still Welcomed

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It's two o'clock and Grayn and I are in the mall. He took me shopping with him since he needed some new shirts. I think it's funny that he takes his soon-to-be seventeen year old girlfriend with him shopping, when he self is almost nineteen. Like he still hasn't figured out what his style is. So cute.

We will be going to the doctor at three. I have been feeling ill for about three and a half week now. I don't know what's wrong, I've been having headaches all the time, a lot of nauseous and stomach cramps too.

Maybe I just have a food poisoning. Let's hope for that.

"Hey, babe? Are you still there?" He asks.

"Yeah, sorry, I zoned out. I was thinking about the doctors appointment. Do you think something serious is going on?" I frown while asking.

"Everything is gonna be fine, don't worry. I'll be there with you," he says. He kisses my temple. Even that simple loving touch wants to make me jump in his strong muscled arms.

"I love you, Grayn," I say, sighing. Suddenly I feel really tired.

"And I love you," he says.

"Let's go get some drinks at Starbucks," he says.

I nod and grab his hands. He intertwines his fingers with mine and rubs with his thumb over my knuckles.

We walk to Starbucks and Grayn tells some stupid joke. I don't know why but I find it really funny and throw my head back in laughter.

We get inside and order an ice tea. We sit down at a table and take a sip of our drinks.
They taste really good and we just talk about nonsense. Grayn shows me the shirts he bought again and they are cool.

Soon, it's around two thirty and we need to leave for my appointment.

We walk to Grayn's car and he opens the door for me. Like a gentleman, my gentleman.

He gets inside too and starts driving. We reach the hospital pretty quick. He parks the car and we leave the car.

We walk into the hospital and go to the counter.

"Hello, my name is Sille, I had an appointment with dr. Aurelius at three," I say to the lady behind the counter.

"I see. You can sit down in the waiting room and wait for your name to be called," she says, smiling politely. I return a smile.

We walk into the waiting room and there are two older people sitting there. One grandpa, you would say, and a I would say forty year old women.

We say hi and take place.

The lady is filling in some papers and the man is scratching his neck.

The sounds really annoy me and it just seems to get louder. When I feel like I can't take anymore, my name is called and I have to go to room four.

Grayn and I stand up and he takes my hand again. We say goodbye to the irritating people and walk out of the waiting room, to room four, which is down the hall.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asks, concern and worry in his deep voice. A voice that God knows can turn me on. Geez, Sille, stop thinking about that again.

"Nothing, I was just really, really annoyed by those people and the sounds they made," I say.

"Okay," he says, relieved.

We walk into room four and see a doctor with glasses on sitting on his chair.
He stands up and shakes my hand.

"Hello, I'm Beetee Latier, just call me Beetee. Where can I help you with?" He kindly says.

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