Chapter Six - TFG

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When I opened the door, my heart stopped beating. Or you could say it started beating 500 miles an hour.

There stood Peeta with a big bouquet of dandelions in his hands. He handed them over to me.

He was dressed casually, a black v-neck T-shirt with some jeans and Nike shoes. Handsome. His hair had that 'messy bed hair' look.

"Oh my god, Peeta! Those are my favorite flowers! Thank you" I said, when I could speak again.

"I'm glad you like them. And hello to you too," he laughed. Gosh, that laugh.

"I'll put the flowers in a vase, come in," I said, blushing furiously.

We walked to the kitchen and Peeta greeted my mom and Prim. I grabbed a vase and filled it with water. I put the flowers in it and set them on our dinner table.

We walked our way to the front door and Peeta opened it for me. When the door opened and I stepped outside I saw a nice black car. Where is his motorcycle?

"Peeta, where's your motorcycle?" I asked.

"I guessed we could borrow my brothers car because it would be fancier," he said, softly smiling. I replied his smile with a genuine smile.

"You're a real gentlemen," I joked, partly.

Peeta opened the passenger seat door for me and I got inside. He quickly walked his way over to the drivers seat door and got inside too.

"So I looked on the cinemas website and there's a funny comedy playing tonight. I thought it would be nicer to go to that movie. It's called 'The Fuckery Games', but we'll only go to that movie if you want to," he said, smiling his sweet smile.

"Sure, I'd like some funny movies. I like comedy's more than serious movies anyways," I said.

For the rest of the drive we talked and laughed about random things, and I've gotten to know him some more. He really is a sweet guy.

When we arrived at the cinema Peeta helped me out and grabbed my hand. I literally felt sparks by that simple touch.

We walked inside and got our tickets for the movie. We went buying some popcorn and a coke and went into our theatre.

We picked a seat in the middle of the row just before the other people came in.

After about ten minutes of talking and waiting the movie started. It was really funny and Peeta and I laughed a lot.

In the middle of the movie I had one hand resting on my lap and with the other I was holding my coke. I was looking at the screen when Peeta took my hand in his. He rubbed with his thumb over my knuckles and entwined our fingers.

I looked at him and gave him my most sweetest smile. He returned an even sweeter one. Dang it, I'm never gonna win it from that cutie.

We returned our eyes to the screen and watched the movie until the end. When the credits were scrolling down and the lights went on, Peeta and I stood up, our fingers still entwined.

I looked at our entwined hands and smiled, while blushing furiously. Peeta seemed to notice, because he chuckled softly.

"You look really cute when you blush, did you know that?" He said, while we were walking out of the cinema.

"Well, thank you, but I think you're cuter," I said, not realizing what I just said.

God, I'm so stupid.

"I don't think I can win from you," he said, opening his passenger seat door for me. I got inside and Peeta got in in too.

Peeta drove and I didn't know where we were going.

"Peeta, where are we going?" I said, a little worried.

"You'll see, just be patient," he said.

After a few minutes he parked on a beautiful meadow. Dandelions everywhere. And what made it even more perfect, was that the sun was setting. Peeta helped me out the car and took my hand again.

"Peeta, this is beautiful," I said.

"I know. You are even more," he said, smiling so sweetly I could melt.

"Thank you," I said, blushing all over the place.

He pulled me closer to him and placed his hands on my waist. I placed my arms around his neck, looking straight into his ocean blue eyes.

"I really, really like you, Katniss," he said.

WAIT WHAT?! I can't believe this!

"I like you even more, Peeta," I replied, smiling like crazy. I probably looked like a clown. Well, I couldn't care less on that moment.

"If that's even possible," he whispered. He brought his head down and leaned in.

And that's when our lips connected.

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