Chapter 22 - Where are you?

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Please listen to "What I've Done" by Linkin Park while reading this. I just love Linkin Park hehe and I thought the song fits PERF by this chapter. I listened to it on repeat while writing this lol.


It's been three weeks. Three weeks since I saw her. She ran away, to God knows where. I can't take it anymore. The pain of not having her with me. I need her.

She left her phone at home. She just took all her belongings and left in her car.
She never said goodbye. She just left. I can't even think or say her name anymore.

I'm sitting in the Meadow where she and I used to go to. I have two empty bottles of liquor laying next to me. I started to drink after she left. It makes me numb. I love the feeling of being numb, it just makes me forget everything, all the pain.

I've lost a lot of weight. That's because I've lost my appetizer and just want to drink all day long. I haven't really been going to school either.

After a while of crying and drinking I decide it's time to head home. Or else my parents will forbid me to stay away for a while, after school. They think I still go to school every day, but instead I just spend my whole day drinking in the Meadow.

I pull my hands out of my hair and look at my wrists. The scars I made on them. I made them because of her. I don't even know why she left me. Just because a girl touched my arm doesn't mean I cheated on her. I would never cheat on such a perfect girl. She was my everything. My life. Without her I am nothing. No one. None.

I grab my backpack and throw the empty bottles in it. I don't smoke, I don't like it. It doesn't even make me feel numb, so why would I do it?

I stand up, but even that simple motion hurts into my bones. I just push my body to do what I want. After a while, I manage to walk away, towards my house, as it's getting slowly darker. My favorite time of the day. When it gets dark. I immediately go to my room and take place on my unmade bed. It's an incredible mess inside here.

Piles of clothes, books, thrash everywhere. But I don't care anymore. When I think about it, I actually am a pig. Living in it's own shit. I cry more and more, harder and harder.

"Peeta! Dinner's ready!" My mom calls.

"Coming!" I answer. I get up, walk to my bathroom and look in the mirror. My eyes still have bags under them and my hair is extremely messy. I rub my eyes and soon enough, I decide it's time to head down.

Ask walk into the kitchen area, I see Grayn and Sille sitting at the table, Sille holding little Aviana. She's the only good thing I have left, that makes me truly happy.

"Take a seat at the table, hunny," my mom says to me. I nod and sit down. I'm not hungry at all. Everyone else sits down as well. Mom places bowls of soup in front of everyone.

"We're having soup for dinner," my dad says, as my mom places a bowl of damping tomato soup in front of me. She knows I'm not hungry, so she doesn't give me a lot.

Sille starts tickling Aviana and Aviana bursts out in laughter, and everybody else in the room joins in.

"Aw, she's so cute," mom says.

"I wonder where she got that from," Grayn smirks, pointing at himself.

"Oh, you stupid dork," I laugh.

"Only speaking the truth!" He throws his hands in the air.

"Yeah, right," I chuckle. I eat my soup and look at Grayn, Sille and Aviana. Their perfect little family. Sille, looking lovingly at Grayn, Grayn, looking lovingly at Aviana. Aviana, laughing and burping. They just look so happy.

I finish my soup, clean up and head upstairs again, to the nightmares awaiting me.

Haunting me.

They are always of her.



I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know I said I'd update right away, but then school happened. I'm sooooo sorry!

This amazing idea for another fanfic is haunting me ALL DAY LONG. But I'm gonna finish this book first before I start a new one, and YES there will be a sequel to this book. Yay!

Love you guysssssss💋




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