A new job!

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Ochako pov:

"My manager says you can work as a waitress with me!!" Mina exclaims

"Really!?" I ask, I was exited because I did really need the money...

"Yep! But we gotta get you a waitress outfit, he usually just makes you wear a black dress! Let's go to the mall I'll drive!" She yells, skipping her way out of the apartment and into her pink car.

"HURRY UP OCHA!" I hear her yell from the car as I slowly make my way towards it.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming" I say.

~~time skip to the mall cause I'm lazy~~

"Ok let's go in here first I need some new kicks!" Mina says clearly distracted already

"Fine don't take to long" I mumble.

I ended up buying some for myself in the end along with Mina buying some for herself too

I ended up buying some for myself in the end along with Mina buying some for herself too

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My own.

I liked the amount of colour they had, I've always loved colourful things!

"Ooo lets get mochi!" I say, I had spotted a little mochi shop In the food court and I just had to have some! 

"Isn't that deku?" Mina asks pointing at a green bob of hair sitting at a table alone.

"Oh yeah! Let's go say hi!" I say abandoning the mochi shop.


"Hey deku-Kun!" I say

"Oh hey ocha, hey mina!" He says smiling

I sit down beside him as Mina sits across form him.

"What are you guys doing here!?" He asks

"I got ocha here a job at my restaurant so we came to get her a black dress to wear! Plus we got shoes cause they where to die for!" Mina says excitedly

"Oh I see, congrats ocha!" He says a light blush dusting his freckles face

"Thanks!" I say giving him a warm smile

Waitress (kacchako) Where stories live. Discover now