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Hermione Granger flipped through her book. It was the middle of her eighth year at Hogwarts and she still couldn't perfect her animagus form, which was a happy little otter. She walked out of the head dorms with her book still in hand and headed to transfiguration with Professor Cambio, McGonagall's replacement.

Professor Cambio walked around the class try to help everyone turn their matches into phoenixes, a particularly difficult transfiguration. Twenty minutes into the class, no one had managed so much as to give their matches feathers. Except for Hermione, of course. She had a fully fledged phoenix flapping around.

Her phoenix landed on Malfoy, who caught a glimpse of her phoenix and scowled. He had been having as much trouble as everyone else, and Hermione couldn't help but feel smug that Malfoy wasn't as superior as he thought. After the war had ended he was a lot quieter, but he was still an arrogant prat. And if anything, all the girls and Slytherins loved him even more. His usual fan club, times two. He was insufferable.

Hermione wrenched her thoughts away from the blonde-headed git and started paying attention to Professor Cambio again. Cambio was saying,

"They key to transfiguration is to first unlock the similarities, and then replace the differences with your magic."

Replace the differences with magic... that was it! She had unlocked her otter's similarities with herself through her patronus; she just needed to replace her physical traits with its! Distracted for the rest of the class, Hermione rushed out as soon as they were dismissed. She had no more classes, and tomorrow was Saturday. She was going to try to become her animagus form. She ran to the head dorms and into her room. She closed her eyes and breathed in. She envisioned the otter, and channeled her magic.

She felt a change and a surge of magic. Opening her eyes, she saw the foot of her bed. She blinked. Her room was huge! Unless... she had done it! She padded over to her mirror and grinned... as well as an otter could, anyways. She was officially an animagus! She got bored of padding around after a while, and decided to change back into herself. She channeled her magic.

Nothing happened. Panicking, Hermione tried again. And again. Still nothing. She thought back to the transfiguration lesson. Slowly, she turned pale. Cambio was talking about matches and phoenixes. Not people. What if Hermione did something wrong? What if this was permanent?

Trying to calm herself down, Hermione thought: Who would know how to undo this? The answer came to her almost instantly: Headmistress McGonagall. She was her old transfiguration professor and an animagus herself! Hermione ran out of the head dorms as fast as her little otter legs could carry her. She was in the section of the hallway right outside of her room when she collided with a polished patent leather shoe.

Malfoy. Of course. Just her luck that she ran into the worst person in all of Hogwarts. But he wasn't going to deter her. She hopped back up and began to run. Malfoy picked her up though, before she could go far.

Apparently he was going to deter her.

She wriggled around, but Malfoy held on tight. He tilted his head to face hers.

"Why, hello." He said. "What's a little otter doing running around Hogwarts, of all places?"

Hermione squirmed, but again he didn't let go.

"Well, the Hogwart halls are really no place for you to stay."

Hermione panicked. Was he going to kick her out of Hogwarts? How would she find help?

"... so I suppose I'll have to bring you to my room."

Hermione paled. Noooooooooo! Anything but this! Where's Voldemort when you need him?

Malfoy smirked and carried her back to the head dorms. It was so annoying. Malfoy as the other head was like having Voldemort as a hairdresser. It didn't work.

Malfoy deposited her on a plush green couch. Hermione frowned. At least she knew where she was, and her room was nearby. She would stay here for the night, and try finding the Headmistress in the morning. Of course, by here she meant her room. She flounced off to her side of the dorms.

Draco raised his eyebrow. What was his odd little otter doing, prancing off to Granger's room like that? He walked over to it and scooped it up.

"Nuh uh uh." He scolded. "Stay here. That's Granger's room."

The otter flopped down and sulked. How strange.

"You're as impossible as a Granger! Say... That's a good name for you! But in front of everyone else, your name will be... Selkie. Selkie as a cross between Silky and Sulky, but Granger because your eyes are brown and your fur is a positive mess. And you're obstinate, and hard to deal with, and everything a Granger is. Therefore, Granger."

Hermione almost jumped in surprise! He beat the Bludger right in the center! How had he gotten it so accurate? And was her fur really a mess? Git.

Malfoy shifted her right back onto the couch.

"Well, Granger," he said, "you shall now be the Malfoy Otter. A prestigious title, I'm sure."

Hermione stifled a giggle. Prestigious?

Draco stared at his otter. Did it giggle? "Anyways, you're now my pet otter. Much better than an owl. They aren't good to talk to. But you are. You're almost like a person!"

Again Hermione almost jumped. He was so close. Hermione settled back down, and to her surprise Malfoy hugged her.

"See, I'd rather be a Granger than a Malfoy anyday, for sure. Not," he added hastily, "that I want to marry her. It's just that it really and truly sucks to be a Malfoy. My Slytherin friends only look out for themselves. And my groupies... are creepy. But Grangers get to have Potties and Weasels. Not my number one choice... but better than what I've got. And I suppose Granger's not all that bad." He leaned conspiratorially down to her. "She's almost... pretty. In a swotty know-it-all way. Weasel is well and truly an idiot. Lavender Brown? He chose her over Granger, you see, after the Battle of Hogwarts. When everyone thought she was dying, he realized after kissing Granger that Lavender was the one he loved. And then she pulled through, and they lived happily ever after or whatever. I think he just chose her because she's prettier... in a boring, dressy way. He broke poor Granger's heart." Draco hugged his adorable tiny otter even closer.

Hermione shuddered at the memory, before realizing something. She meeped. What had Malfoy just said?

Draco looked at his otter again. Otters didn't meep. Otters with brown eyes and fur... that struggled against him... that made human noises... that tried to go to Granger's room. Otters didn't do that. But Grangers did.

"Are you..." he whispered, his face pale, "Hermione sodding GRANGER?"

With a puff of smoke, Hermione changed back into a human. "Malfoy..."

One year later...

Malfoy hugged his adorable tiny fiance even closer. Hermione blessed the day that she zoned out during transfiguration class.

"Love you, Granger." He said.

Otter image from

I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

This was my first fanfic ever, enjoy!

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