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So. Hello. I'm... baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

In every little escaping moment I've had, I've been writing, trying to put this together for you guys. I'm sorry it's taken me so long, but thanks for being so supportive over my break!! Don't worry, I love writing and I'm not stopping anytime soon :D.

This was inspired by a line from a song from I think Fiddler On the Roof, "When playing with matches one's bound to get burned." I hope you enjoy!!

Hermione walked up nervously to the little shop at the end of Diagon Alley. It was the time that every witch and wizard dreaded, or maybe even wished for.

It was time to get their matches.

Spotting a flash of red hair, she ran up to Ron and grabbed his hand.

"Ron! I can't believe it, it's actually time."

Ron smiled down at her. "Don't worry 'Mione, we're going to get each other. We're soulmates. We're destined for each other. We're dating. We're in love. We're f-"

Hermione interrupted Ron. "But what if we don't?"

Ron just shook his head and laughed lightly.

Slowly, they approached the little pink shop. With its lacy curtains and sickeningly sweet incense, it reminded her uncomfortably of Umbridge's office back in fifth year. Scowling at the thought, she walked in with Ron.

Behind a desk draped in lace and pink things, a young witch busily answered phone calls while her quill zoomed around. She quickly glanced at them and then her papers and motioned for them to go behind the little frilly curtain at the back.

Hermione nodded and walked there, wishing she hadn't made a reservation and had had to wait for the secretary to be done. But here she was, walking into this room with her boyfriend of three years, waiting for the moment that would decide her love life.

Ron grinned and pulled her behind the curtain and into a smoky pink room. Sitting on a veritable mountain of pillows was an old witch, her silver hair flowing everywhere. She held a perfume bottle in one hand and a mirror in the other.

She noticed them approaching and smiled. "Ah, the two war heroes come to learn their matches. Sit, sit!" She pointed to a couple cushions and they both sat down.

"It is time. You hope to be together, no? Of course you do." She tossed Ron the perfume and Hermione the mirror.

"Now, you, young man, spray the perfume into the mirror."

Ron raised his eyebrows but did as she said.

"Young lady, what do you see in the mirror?" The matchmaker asked Hermione.

Hermione frowned. "Myself." It was a mirror, what was she expecting?

The lady clapped in delight. "It is so! You are soulmates! Destiny! Boyfriend and girlfriend! In love! F-"

Hermione cut her off. "Matches?"

The witch nodded. "Indeed."

Ron whooped and ran to Hermione. She smiled and hugged him. This was perfect.


The next week Hermione was sitting comfortably in the Burrow snuggled up next to Ron, reading the news.

"Oh, look Ron, we're in the news!"

Ron smiled. "What's new?"

"No, about us being matches! Look, it's about notable war figures. Us, Harry and Ginny, Dean and Parvati, Luna and Neville... Draco and Pansy?" Hermione exclaimed.

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