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This is a request from @Foosball342 , and if you guys like Percy Jackson you should check out her PJO Reacts book! She just hit 1k comments!!!

The prompt was: "Draco and Hermione have been secretly dating, but then her friends accidentally find out..."

Hermione sat down in the library, waiting for Draco to arrive. They always met after dinner, he couldn't have forgotten. She needed to ask him about the Victory Ball they were having to celebrate Voldemort's defeat.

She heard footsteps, and she saw Draco slink in. He sat down next to her and scooped her up into his lap.

"Hey love." He greeted. Hermione smiled. This was a new nickname. Her fourth one this week. He kept switching them around.

"Hey Draco," Hermione said, "glad you finally arrived." Draco grinned ruefully.

"Had to get away from my friends without them getting too suspicious, love."

Hermione fiddled with her fingers. "Well, on the topic of hiding things... do you want to go to the ball together?" She asked.

Draco bit his lip. "Well... how do you think they'd react? They'd know for sure we were a thing."

Hermione sighed. "I know, but think of how much fun it would be! And... it'd be easier to just stop hiding things. Draco, I'm sure my friends will understand you've changed."

Draco snorted. "Weasel? Really?"

Hermione glared at him. "Maybe he would if you stopped calling him names!"

Draco pouted apologetically and rubbed Hermione's back. "Look, I'm sorry love, I'll try to stop. But my father... my mother... I know my dad is in Azkaban but I'm pretty sure he'd still find a way to kill me."

Hermione frowned. "Just think about it, okay? The ball is in two weeks, let me know in a week."

Draco hugged her. "I will, thanks. But to make up for my no to the ball in advance..." Hermione scowled, "I have a surprise date for us!"

Hermione smiled, her anger forgotten. She always loved Draco's surprises. Draco took her hand and led her up to the astronomy tower. Giggling, they crept around to the ledge and stared at the cloudy sky. After a minute, Draco said "Accio picnic!" and a picnic hamper came zooming out from the direction of the Slytherin common room.

They ate and talked for hours, about everything from the new candy Honeydukes started selling to the finals coming up soon that Harry and Ron refused to study for.

As the clouds finally parted to reveal the moon, they just snuggled and stared at it.

Suddenly, they heard shocked gasps.

"'Mione? 'Mione, what?" someone cried. Hermione cringed and turned around, and to her horror saw Ron and Harry.

"Err... what are you two doing here?" She asked weakly.

Harry stepped forward. "Well, with all of your naggi- advice," he hastily corrected, "We figured that we may as well study for the astronomy finals since the moon was out and neither of us could fall asleep, since Seamus burnt the curtains..." Harry trailed off, as if comprehending for the first time what was in front of him.

"But, 'Mione, forget that. Malfoy?" He questioned.

Hermione nodded, and Malfoy took her hand protectively. Harry saw the movement out of the corner of his eye and seemed to decide that Malfoy could be okay. Ron turned an interesting color and turned to glare at Malfoy.

"Well, we'll see if you really love 'Mione when the entire school finds out!" He shouted angrily. Hermione facepalmed.

Ron stormed out, and after flashing them an apologetic look Harry ran after him to try to calm him down.

Draco sneered and muttered, "Weasel."

Hermione turned away from where Harry and Ron had entered for the first time since Ron's explosion.

"Well, at least now we can go together to the ball!" She said cheerily.

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