Hermione Riddle

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This is a request from @baybayway ! The prompt was: 

"Hermione was a Riddle but Draco mom and dad give her a charm to look like Malfoy and pretend to be Draco's little sister /twin sister ( not incest) all Slytherin knows she was a princess but they all cover her identity so when the right comes she will finish Harry. But every time she tries to kill Harry the karma come backs to her and Harry was the one always have to blame for everything. Draco likes/admire Hermione and he hates when ron tries to ask Hermione out ( cause Ron was in love with Hermione) Draco acts he was being protective older brother to Hermione but he was secretly jealous because he was in love with her ( because they aren't really siblings) and pretend Hermione is younger than Draco like how Emma is younger than tom"

In this, it's supposed to start off from 1st year, but the main action should be centered around 4th. Here goes!

Hermione Riddle took a deep breath in as Narcissa raised her wand to perform the charm that would change her appearance. Hermione had always been so proud to be a Riddle, and now her likeness to her father was being taken away. She knew it was for her own safety, but she would miss being connected to her father.

Narcissa traced a circular figure in the air and murmured identificos obscuros. (I made this up, obviously) She then took a small droplet of her blood to complete the spell and make Hermione look like a Malfoy. This spell was forbidden in England because of the use of blood magic, which was considered to be dark, but Narcissa and Lucius were willing to do whatever it took to protect Hermione, Voldemort's heir.


At King's Cross, Hermione said goodbye to the family that had raised her as they went over the plan one last time.

"Remember Hermione," Narcissa said, "You are Draco's younger sister. You are a Malfoy, not a Riddle."

Hermione took a deep breath and nodded. Okay. She was a Malfoy. She could live with that.

"And..." Narcissa said slowly. Hermione looked up at her in interest. "You are to befriend the Potter boy for your father. The diary instructed us so."

Hermione slowly grinned in delight, much to Narcissa's surprise. Hermione was glad she could help her father somehow.

As she boarded the train and said goodbye to Narcissa and Lucius one last time, she skipped with Draco to his compartment. However, when they got their, he got a pained look on his face.

"Look, Hermione... you have to sit with the Potter boy. The Slytherins won't judge you, don't worry. The ones that matter know."

Hermione sadly nodded. Her best friend was right. She had to go.


As the train pulled up to the window she boredly looked out as Ron blabbered to Harry why Slytherin was bad. Whatever. She wondered if the plan would fail if she went to Slytherin. Probably not. Harry seemed too nice for that.

In the Great Hall, as Hermione sat under the hat, she heard people whispering that the 'swot' would probably end up in Ravenclaw, although the Ravenclaws stayed silent. Her 'friends' both clearly wanted her to get into Gryffindor. Well, wouldn't they all get a surprise. Swotty, innocent little Hermione a big bad Slytherin?

She snapped out of her reverie as the hat bellowed "Slytherin!" for the whole hall to hear. Then she remembered she hadn't really told anyone about her being a Malfoy, though with the glamours on anyone with half a brain cell should have been able to guess. She supposed it made sense that Harry and Ron hadn't figured it out, and it explained why the Ravenclaws hadn't been saying anything. They knew she was a Malfoy. And now she would have to explain that to Harry and Ron, the two boys who each had a bad experience with Draco.

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