Just a Moment

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Two updates in a day! Very short, but I wanted to. I actually like this on.

Hermione headed to the library after school, passing Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

She turned to enter the library when she heard sobs coming from inside the bathroom. Curiously, she stepped into the room.

"I can't, I can't, I can't." Someone cried. She walked over to the noise and saw a blond boy with his head in between his knees, sobs wracking his body. She went closer, and froze when she realized it was Malfoy.

Silently, she backed out of the room when suddenly his head snapped up and his eyes travelled up to meet hers.

Bracing herself, she prepared to be cursed or yelled at, but to her surprise he just slumped back down against the wall.

Hermione hesitated for a moment, then walked closer to him. She sat down next to him as he cried, just sitting there and waiting.

Slowly, he looked up and saw her again.

"Why are you here?" He asked defensively. "To make fun of me? To curse me?"

Hermione scoffed. "I was expecting you to do that to me."

Malfoy put his head in his hands. "I'm sorry."

Hermione almost jumped in surprise when he said that. She put her hand on his arm in an effort to comfort him. However, as soon as her hand made contact he flinched and jumped away.

"I'm sorry, it's just... could you leave?" He asked.

Hermione shook her head defiantly. "No, tell me what's wrong."

He frowned. "Still nosy, Granger," he said, but his voice was lacking its usual malice.

Hermione persisted. "Mal- Draco, what's wrong?"

Draco raised an eyebrow in surprise, managing to look perfectly poised despite the fact that his eyes were red and his face was streaked with tears.

"I- No, I can't tell you." He said miserably.

Hermione sat directly in front of him. "Why not?"

"Because he'll kill me!" He snapped.

Hermione said nothing. She checked the time. It was nearly dinnertime.

Draco silently stood up, and held out a hand for her. Hermione held onto it as she pulled herself up, holding his hand tightly for just a moment before letting go.

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