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This was all a mistake.

Draco had never intended to go to Blaise's big party in the Room of Requirement. He was just going to ask Blaise to kindly refrain from creating more love poems to Ginny Weasley and leaving them all over their dorm.

The sappiness would cause Draco to die if Blaise kept it up.

But here he was, a very excited Blaise pulling him into the room filled with people partying. Blaise brought him over to the punch bowl and happily poured him a glass. Scowling, Draco slunk to the side of the room and drank it, plotting his escape.

Blaise bounced over to him a minute later, his eyes devious.

"Hey Draco, how're you enjoying the party?" He asked, grinning madly.

Draco was about to tell him how lovely it was, and how he was enjoying himself so much that Blaise needed to attend to those who were bored. He opened his mouth to lie, and "Actually, this party is mildly terrifying and I'm plotting my escape right now." Came out.

Malfoy gaped. How had he slipped up so badly? He expected Blaise to glare at him and drag him to the dance floor in an effort to keep him, but instead Blaise clapped his hands together like a child and skipped over to a group of people sitting in a circle, tugging Draco reluctantly behind him.

"It worked!" Blaise gleefully cried. "The liar himself can't lie any longer! Ginny, you're a genius!"

Draco was about to calm Blaise down when what he just said registered. "Blaise... you spiked my drink?" He said menacingly.

Oblivious to the fact that he should cower down in fear and beg for forgiveness, Blaise sat down and patted the spot next to him. Draco glared and pointedly sat down in between two random girls.

One of the people sitting down, Lovegood, looked worriedly at Blaise. "Blaise, are you sure he's not plotting murder right now?"

Blaise just waved her off. "Enough worrying. Let's start the game! Draco, truth or dare?"

Draco turned white. Of all the things! He had to tell the truth! "Dare." He said quietly, resigned to his fate. He quickly scanned the circle, noting that to his dismay seemingly all of the Gryffindors were playing.

Blaise pursed his lips in thought. "I dare you to... kiss the person to your left." He cackled wickedly.

Turning to his left, Draco was brought face to face with Pansy Parkinson, his obsessed ex. "Augh!" He screamed. There was no way he was kissing her.

Thinking quickly, he turned backwards so that faced out of the circle and looked to his new left. Quickly, he leaned forward and kissed whoever was there, smirking at Blaise afterwards.

However, Blaise was doubled over in laughter and couldn't see his amazing smirk.

Confused, he looked to see who he kissed, and was met with a very shocked looking Granger. He almost died right then and there. He had kissed Granger. Anyone but Granger would have been preferable, but he just had to go and sit next to her and Pansy, didn't he?

Turning back to face the circle, he quickly asked Blaise, "Truth or dare?"

Wiping tears from his eyes, Blaise choked out "Truth."

The game went on for a bit, which included Harry being dared to kiss Cho, things going on a little too long for it to be just a dare, and a very heated breakup and smug-looking Mr. Poem Man. Disgusting. Blaise was so in love.

Yawning, Draco stood up. The game had gone on for way too long and luckily he hadn't been picked since that awful dare.

However, Blaise quickly pulled Draco back down. "Okay, last round! Rapid-fire truth! Draco, did you like kissing Hermione?"

Draco groaned. He couldn't leave now or they would all think the answer was yes. Opening his mouth to say no, he blurted out "Yeah, kind of."

Blaise gaped at him before motioning to him to ask someone. Angrily, Draco asked Ginny if she liked Blaise, ready to get revenge on Blaise for making him look a fool.

He was not prepared for her to say yes. Frowning, he sat down as Blaise grinned like a fool. Shooting a thankful look at Draco, he turned to Granger. "Hermione, do you like Draco?"

Hermione turned red. Weasel laughed and threw his arm around Hermione. Draco couldn't help but glare at him.

Before Hermione could respond, Weasel interrupted with, "The better question is Ferret, do you like 'Mione?"

Draco tried to stop himself from spilling the answer but couldn't help but say, "Yes, for years. I wish I didn't, but I do and I have for years. Oh, Merlin's underpants did I just say that?!?"

Weasel clenched his fists. "Hey, 'Mione is mine. Back off."

Then Granger got herself involved. "Ronald, I'm not anyone's belonging! And for your information... yes, I like Draco!"

Weasel froze. "You like... Ferret? Blimey, why  'Mione?"

Granger turned on him. "Well, unlike you he can actually speak with more than three braincells!"

Draco couldn't hold himself back anymore. He burst out laughing. Hermione shot him a look as if to say, shut up, but Draco couldn't.

Throughout all this chaos, Blaise very suspiciously disappeared. Finally, he marched up to Draco holding a stack of papers and triumphantly yelled, "Now you can't tease my about my love poems! These ones must all be for Granger!"

Blaise was dead.

I'm posting a different chapter than the one I intended to since I just don't like that one. This was one of my reserve, 'just in case I have no time but really ought to publish ones', so hopefully soon I can give you a better one.

I'm thinking about one focusing more on why they got together rather than how?

Also, I'm afraid I'm temporarily going to have to stop taking requests for a bit, as I already have quite a couple. Thanks, and have a lovely day!

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