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This is a request from the fabulous @dunleejane. Here's the prompt, all credit goes to dunleejane of course. "Hermione's dad is a Slytherin and hermione's mom is a Gryffindor ( pretend Hermione was a pure blood) Lucius and Hermione's dad are best friends when there's a Slytherin parties on Malfoy manor everyone was surprised to see a Gryffindor on Slytherin party drao and hermione's dad reveal to the Slytherin that Hermione is half Slytherin and half Gryffindor. And tell a story about Slytherin fall in love with Gryffindor" I tried my best to fulfill the prompt, and I hope you like it! 

And after I finish my next request, I might do a little sequel about Hermione's parents (for this fic, remember, in this she is pureblood and I'm putting a lot more stock in house), and also about Draco trying to win Hermione over.

Also, sorry I put a cuss word but I wanted to properly convey Blaise's distaste for Hermione.

Blaise was walking with Theo and Draco to the Slytherin common room when they caught a glimpse of the traitor, Hermione Granger. Her mother was a Dagworth-Granger, a pureblood, but a Gryffindor blood-traitor. Disgusting. And her daughter was the same, a muggle-loving Gryffindor. Probably a bastard, as well. She claimed her father was just very busy, and that her last name was Granger because her mother had no brothers to carry on the family name, but she was certainly lying. Her father was probably embarrassed of her and her mother and took off. Blaise smirked to himself at the thought.

She walked by with her head held high, clutching an armful of books as usual. Blaise sneered, as did Theo, but he could have sworn a wistful expression had flashed across Draco's face for a second. But that was rubbish. They knew she was a traitor. A disgrace to all purebloods. Off-limits.


Hermione walked out from Potions to the owlery, knowing a letter was probably waiting for her. Yelling a quick goodbye to Harry and Ron, she ran up and saw a strange eagle owl clutching a thick sealed envelope. Hermione fed the owl some owl treats and tore open the creamy cardstock. 

Ms. Dagworth-Granger, you have been invited to the very first Annual Malfoy Manor Yuletide Ball ever held. Congratulations! At this, Hermione rolled her eyes. On Yule Eve, if you wish to attend, take the attached portkey and arrive at the Manor by 7:30 PM.

Thank you,

Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco Malfoy.

Of course. Only Malfoys were arrogant enough to not even think of a need for RSVPs. It surprised Hermione, though. Hermione was expecting other invites to obscure pure-bloody functions, but not this. Of course, it made sense... considering her father... but Draco Malfoy was going to flip if he saw her there.

Well, that made up her mind. Hermione was going to Malfoy Manor over Yule, even if only to annoy Draco. Now, she thought, to tell Harry and Ron... Sighing, Hermione walked down from the owlery to the Gryffindor Common Room.


At Malfoy Manor on Yule Eve, the ball was in full swing. Draco drifted through the ballroom with Blaise and Theo, looking for anyone interesting. As they walked past Lucius, Theo suddenly froze and took a double take. Draco looked behind Theo to see what it was, and his jaw almost dropped.

Rowen Slytherin, a descendant of Slytherin himself and the notorious Slytherin Prince of Lucius' class was chatting with Lucius casually. That was probably the reason Blaise and Theo were astounded, but Draco stood gaping not because of his father's good friend but because of a brunette that he saw who looked very familiar.

As he realized who the said brunette was, his father and Rowen turned around. Seeing the expressions on the young Slytherin's faces, they stopped talking and walked over to the boys. By then, a bit of a crowd had gathered.

"What's Granger doing here?" Draco asked his father, trying his best to sound contemptuous.

However, it was not Lucius who stepped forward, but Rowen. "Although this is not very well known... Hermione Slytherin Granger is my daughter." He smiled down at Hermione, and she smiled back. Blaise turned white.

Hermione Granger was half Slytherin? Her mother, everyone knew, was the daughter of Henry Dagworth-Granger, who founded the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers, and she had inherited his intelligence. But her father was Rowen Slytherin, king of all things Slytherin?

Blaise stammered, Theo gaped, and the crowd tittered. But Draco smirked. She wasn't off limits anymore.

Thanks for reading guys, and let me know what y'all think about the sequel ideas! And of course, if there are requests... well you probably know what to do by now :).

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