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Voldemort stood facing them all. He knew that, as Harry Potter rose from the dead, he needed to break them. It was time to use his final weapon.

"You probably think you've won." Voldemort said. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at him. He regarded them coldly.

"You think that together," he paused and sneered, "You can beat me."

Potter looked up at him and jerked his head defiantly. "I know we can." He said. 

"Yeah!" Ron cried. Both of them looked for Hermione, at first expectantly, and then worriedly. She had disappeared. Finally, they saw her on the other end of the field, with... Draco Malfoy?

"Hermione! Get away from that ferret!" Ron cried. Slowly, Hermione turned around, and everyone gasped. Her eyes were cold and malicious, and her hand was tucked in Draco Malfoy's. 

"Ron, Harry, darlings." She said sweetly. Harry gulped. He had a bad feeling about this."Ahh... Hermione? What's, ah, y'know, what's all this..?" Harry gestured weakly and his voice trailed off.

"Are you talking about my boyfriend?" She asked. Ron turned flaming red and ran at Draco in a fit of jealousy, lunging towards him. Ginny, Fred and George both ran towards him.

"Don't stop me!" Ron cried. "You don't need to protect me! I have to kill the ferret!" Ginny laughed coldly, her eyes similar to Hermione's.

"Protect you?" She sneered. "We're not protecting you. We're protecting the Dark Princess and her boyfriend." Ron paused and gaped at Ginny and the twins.

"Are you off your rocker?!?" Ron exclaimed. Slowly Harry shook his head, realizing exactly what Ginny was saying. Harry slowly walked over to Ron to try to explain.

"No, she's not." A cold, high voice interjected. "She, as well as the twins, have seen past the lies the Order of the Phoenix is speaking of. Ever since year two everything was planned. We even used Miss Weasley as bait to get Potter into the chambers." Ginny nodded proudly. Harry felt his heart break slowly. "These three Weasleys," Voldemort continued, "Were in on it with Hermione. She knew they would understand what she was telling them. They get that mudbloods are weak and useless." He sneered.

"Ginny..." Harry croaked, "Did you ever love me?" Ginny and Hermione started laughing, and Blaise Zabini walked up to Ginny and pulled her to his side.

"For a boyfriend," he sneered, "you were not attentive." Ron and Harry both sunk down as the people they loved turned on them. Harry and Ron forgotten, Hermione and the rest of her group walked over to Voldemort's side. As the Order and their allies gaped, they didn't notice as the Dark raised their wands.

Within seconds legions of the Order had fallen, to dazzling green bolts of light, and the rest were crushed. Fred, George and Ginny took particular pleasure in the extermination of some of the mudbloods, angry that they had been denied of their birthright as purebloods for so long. Blaise trailed next to Ginny, fiercely protective.

And Hermione delighted in fighting by her father's side, and as the final soldiers of the Light fell, Hermione felt a smile split across her face. It was radiant, and dangerous, and powerful. It was the smile of the new Dark Princess.


A few weeks later, Hermione stood at the altar with Draco Malfoy.

"And lastly, do you, Hermione Riddle, accept Draco Lucius Malfoy as your husband?"

"I do." Hermione smiled as the room erupted into cheers. She leaned forwards slowly and pressed her lips against Draco's.

Who said only the Light side had love?


Also I know it's OOC, but I've always thought Ginny had the potential to be schemey and Fred and George... I couldn't just leave them!! You know?

And sorry I like evil fluffy endings :).

Also, as always, requests and suggestions welcome! (And needed!)

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