Secret Santa!

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Hermione opened up her slip and frowned in dismay. Of all the terrible things! She had Draco Malfoy as her secret santa.

She had thought Dumbledore's portrait had had a brilliant idea, but clearly portraits were just a shell of their former self, because this was horrible! Forget house unity!

But really, what could she get Draco Malfoy of all people? She figured even a lump of coal wouldn't get her point across. He probably didn't know what it meant. 

Hermione walked to the great hall to sit with Harry and Ron, still puzzling over what to get Malfoy, when Mcgonagall rose up to speak. Immediately, the hall quieted down.

"Attention, everyone," Mcgonagall said, "I have an announcement regarding secret santa. I have been hearing complaints about the person you have been given, and I feel that it's necessary to inform you that part of your COMC grade will actually be determined based on this, as witches and wizards are magical creatures, too. If you don't take COMC, it will be part of your Charms grade, because we were a bit stuck on what else to make it part of." Instantly, the hall broke out in grumbles. "Enough!" Mcgonagall cried. "I don't want to hear any more complaints!"

Harry and Ron both groaned, and Hermione frowned in dismay. This complicated things.

"Who 'o you 'ave 'ermione?" Ron asked, his voice garbled as he munched on sausage.

"I can't say," Hermione responded, "It's secret santa."

Ron pouted, but Hermione just gathered her things and left. She had shopping to do.

When Hogsmeade day rolled around, Hermione took off the second classes ended. She ran into Dervish and Banges and looked around for quidditch memorabilia. She found a Slytherin scarf and a few jerseys, but she figured Malfoy already had those. After a few more minutes, she left the shop in defeat.

She picked up a few sweets at Honeydukes, but she still hadn't found a real present. As soon as she left Hogsmeade she ran straight into Headmistress Mcgonagall and had an idea.

"Headmistress?" Hermione asked. "Could I floo over to Diagon Alley from your office until the Hogsmeade trip is over? I really need to go there to shop for my secret santa."

Mcgonagall smiled and nodded, glad someone was taking the secret santa siriously.

Hermione ran to her office and stepped into the fireplace, and throwing some floo powder in, she ended up in Diagon Alley. She stepped out of a fireplace and realized she was in Magical Menagerie, where she had gotten Crookshanks. Poor Crooks... he had passed away shortly after the final battle due to a disease. She still missed him to this day.

She was about to leave when she saw a furry little kneazle sitting to the side. It was a fluffy black little kitten, with brilliant grey eyes. For some reason she thought of Malfoy. She realized she had never really seen him with a familiar except for his owl...

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Hermione marched into the great hall on the day of the secret santa, triumphantly holding a wrapped up package of sweets and a squirming little kneazle. She looked around until she saw Malfoy, and hid the kneazle behind her back.

She walked up to him, and said, "Malfoy."

"Granger," he replied coolly. "You're my secret santa, I suppose?"

Why did she even come back for eight year? "Duh," she responded. She held out the package of sweets, still hiding the kneazle. He saw the sweets and shrugged. He was about to say something when she thrust the little kneazle towards him.

"I saw you didn't have a-" She began, before Draco cut her off.

"A kneazle? I'll name you... Bat." He decided. Hermione raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

Draco turned a bit red, and said, "Thankyouforthepresent," really quickly. "I..." he continued, "I'm your secret santa, too." Before she could respond, he thrust a fat orange kneazle towards her. "I learned yours had died." 

Hermione scooped up the kneazle and cradled it in her arms. "Thanks, Draco." She said.

"Yeah, same to you, Gr- Hermione." He responded. "And... sorry for, y'know, everything. Like, the war and... stuff. I didn't know any better, I guess." He turned redder.

Hermione, at a loss for words, just smiled. Just as she was about to try to break the silence, Draco turned deathly pale.

"What is it?" she asked. He just pointed above them. She turned to look, and saw a green plant... a terrible, awful, plant. Mistletoe. It curled around them and snagged them both. Hermione groaned. "I suppose we're stuck here forever, then," she said matter-of-factly.

Draco shook his head a little, a small smirk playing on his face. Hermione only had enough time to register what that might have meant when he leaned forward and slowly kissed her on the lips. Taken by surprise, Hermione didn't jerk back. And even when she realized what was happening, she still didn't pull away. In fact, she leaned in, just a little. Neither of them even realized when the mistletoe unbound them.

Grinning, Mcgonagall snagged 30 galleons from Flitwick at the head table. "Knew it," she whispered. Organizing that whole secret santa thing and rigging the mistletoe had been worth it. They would make a perfect couple. It was really too bad Ron was turning the color of a cherry at the moment... she wondered when he would start smoking at the ears.


I guess I was feeling the holiday spirit. And I know it's June. I don't care.

Also, I was writing this and I didn't really know how to get them together so I added, a beautiful, wonderful plant. I'm thinking a total change of pace for the next chapter and either dark!Hermione or Draco trying to get her to go out with him. Let me know if you have a preference/idea, both of which I sorely need!

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