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Trigger warning: Suicide

Everyone thought she was fine.

She was a war hero. The brightest witch of her age. A celebrated figure and an idol for all.

So why wasn't she ok?

It wasn't that she had been tortured. It wasn't that she had been sliced by that wicked knife over and over, that Bellatrix laughed at her screams. It wasn't the sight of her blood, slowly pooling on the floor, dripping from her wounds.

It wasn't even that 'MUDBLOOD' had been engraved in her arm, a permanent reminder of where she was in the wizarding world.

It was him. He had stood there, watched it. Harry and Ron screamed from the cell they were being held in, they begged Bellatrix to stop. They escaped. They saved her.

But him? He clearly didn't care for her. How could he, watching her being tortured and still not feeling bad for just a second?


She had dedicated every moment after that awful day to taking down Voldemort. It gave her a purpose, a channel for her anger.

But now they had won, and Voldemort was gone.

And she had no purpose.

Hermione curled up on the couch of her new apartment, reliving the memories, when an owl tapped at her window. She slowly got up for the first time in days.

She gave it a slightly old owl treat and untied a letter from it's claw. She opened it and saw Harry's messy penmanship.


Ron and I thought it would be nice to all meet up at the Leaky for lunch this Sunday, what do you think? We haven't seen each other in a bit, and Ron's gone all mopey thinking you have a boyfriend or something. I swear, his crush on you gets worse every day.

Do say yes! He'll drive me mad otherwise.

At any rate, we miss you quite a lot. Grimmauld place just isn't the same without you, even with Ron here because... well you know how Molly's been, what with poor Fred. But hopefully we'll all recover. I just know something's bothering you. Maybe at lunch you'll tell us.

Anyways, we miss you!


Hermione sighed and set the letter down on the empty coffee table. There wasn't a book to be seen, which would have shocked the old Hermione. But new Hermione couldn't be bothered to read one.

After a couple minutes of thinking, she decided she'd go. She needed to stop thinking about him, and this was the best way to do it. She just hoped Ron would miraculously fall in love with someone else before Sunday...


Hermione shrugged on a cream-colored cardigan and muggle jeans and stepped outside of her little apartment for the first time in at least a week. She apparated to Diagon Alley and took in the bustling families and happy friends, finally safe. At least she had done some good.

She slowly walked to the Leaky Cauldron, nodding to old Tom the bartender and looking for Harry or Ron.

She saw two very suspicious looking newspapers being tightly held to the two owner's faces. They surely couldn't be reading them that closely!

Upon closer approach, they were clearly Harry and Ron trying to hide from the adoring public.

She half-smiled and walked up to them. The Harry-paper silently slid her a newspaper for her face, which she just laughed at and pushed aside. She then swiped Harry and Ron's newspapers and pushed them away too.

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