Hermione Riddle 2

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This is it, guys. Part 2. Here goes!

Hermione slipped her hand into Draco's as everyone swarmed the school after leaving breakfast, too deep into the crowd to be noticed. Draco smiled, reminiscing about the Yule Ball, when they danced outside the Great Hall.

"Draco..." Hermione whispered.

"Yes darling?" Draco responded.

"I think it's time. My future sla-subjects are going to need to know about their new king. Or perhaps just consort. Let's actually call you partner in crime for now. But at any rate, they need to know they take orders from two people now." Hermione smiled up at Draco. Looking into her eyes, Draco saw brilliance, cruelty, and just and touch of insanity. And he loved it. She would always and forever be his queen.

"Of course." He said. "I assume you're talking about the Slytherins? I have a feeling the other houses won't just accept you as queen so easily."

Hermione just jerked her head dismissively at the thought of the other houses not bowing to her. They would learn. "Yes, I am." She said. "In fact, I believe Professor Flitwick is sick and we don't have charms, which means now might be a good time to tell a lot of the Slytherins."

Draco arched an eyebrow. "How convenient..." He drawled. He knew Hermione had brewed some Dizziness Draught a couple days ago, and also presented Flitwick with a pumpkin pasty as a gift for his birthday. She had clearly been thinking of this for a while. Or she just really hated Charms. It was probably the former, now that he thought about it. Evil or not, Hermione still loved to learn all sorts of magic.

Once they reached the Slytherin Common Room, Hermione grabbed Draco's hand and tugged him in. The first thing Draco noticed was that a lot of Slytherins were in the common room, not just the ones in their year. Hermione's Mildly Poisonous Pumpkin Pasties™ had clearly been getting around.

When Hermione walked in, all of their heads snapped to face her like normal, and then slowly took in the sight of their queen holding Draco Malfoy's hand.

A lot of them just nodded to themselves like, I expected that, but a couple gaped. Then some brown-haired Slytherin boy a year above Draco stood up angrily.

"Mate, back off." He said meanly. "What do you think you're doing, going around holding hands with the Dark Queen?"

Draco laughed shortly and coldly. "We're dating, you idiot."

By now most of the Slytherin Common room had turned to watch the fight. 

The brown-haired boy started turning Weasley-hair red. "Dating?!?" He yelled. He spluttered angrily for a bit, and Draco opened his mouth to retort when Hermione put a small hand on his arm.

She stared at him coldly. Even though she was several inches shorter than him her presence filled the room.

"I'm not an object. I can date whoever I want. And as queen, I suggest you not talk to my partner that way." She sneered.

Malfoy smiled with pride. In public she acted like a Gryffindor, and otherwise she looked like a Malfoy, but in reality she was 100% Riddle.

The brown-haired boy, or as Draco would forever think of him, the high-and-mighty sheep, cowered. Draco laughed to himself. What a sheep. Of course, all the Slytherins were, blindly following Hermione. But at least they were smart sheep.

Hermione pointed her nose in the air and strutted out. Chuckling, Draco caught up to her before she exited the room.

"That was fun," he said, "but now what love?"

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