How the Story Ends.

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Well, Foosy, this is your no-loopholes Drarry. Be happy. But don't worry guys, there will be (sad) Dramione. 


I never meant to feel this way.

You were the snobby pureblood and I was the hardworking muggle-born. 

But you know how the story goes.

He becomes good, she heals him, and they end up together.

But we were never meant for each other. You were too broken to fit with my puzzle piece.

But you know how the story goes.

You were supposed to renounce your ways, to change and prove the world wrong.

But instead you quietly changed, only showing those who cared to look.

But you know how the story goes.

I was supposed to find you, to become close with you, to realize you were more than you seemed.

And I tried, I really did, but you wouldn't open up for me. Little did I know you already had for someone else.

But you know how the story goes.

We were supposed to find healing in each other, to be there for each other.

But you reminded me too much of the horrors I had faced, and so could never heal me. And for our lack of connection, despite my efforts I couldn't be there for you.

But you know how the story goes.

We were supposed to fall in love, to be happy and wonderful together.

And I did, I did fall in love. You were perfect in every way Draco. You were intelligent, witty, and could match me in every debate. There was a side of you I knew existed, one that was soft and kind. You were so beautiful, Draco. Others didn't see it, but I did. You were perfect. But you never saw me that way.

But you know how the story goes.

There would obstacles, yes, but we would find our way to each other in the end.

But we didn't. There were obstacles, but you were on a completely different course. And so while I was blindly fighting for you, all along you had already been healed, become close, fallen in love. You were perfect for each other. You and my best friend. You and Harry completed each other. And I fought a losing battle, until I realized it when I saw how you looked at him. And then I watched you two fall in love.

I guess we don't live in a fictional world.

And there it is, folks! This little update is a quick thank-you for 150 followers, about 220 votes, and I think 1.8k reads!! You guys are the greatest, thank you so much!! Also, I have a bunch of other requests, don't worry I'm getting to them! But Foosy's been asking for this for a while and there's only so much pestering a girl can put up with!

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