Sana's New Friend

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Sana Minatozaki writes on a piece of paper. She can't wait to say her answer to him. But she thinks that should be a bit of play hard to get.

"Yes I should be." she says

"Nothing comes easy, nowadays!" she added and draws Suho instead.

"Aish!! I feel so giddily!" she flustered and goes to her bed.

Kiyoja left a message at the Hi Love App and she wasn't able to  see it.

Kiyoja: I will say to Tsukushi, that I love her. Wish me luck



Sana was about to change into her uniform. But she remembered, her mom stopped her schooling. She changed into leggings and over sized tee. Her coffee shop shift will be on Saturday and Friday will be a morning shift. Today is the day, she will not do anything.  She goes to the table to eat breakfast. Mrs. Akie left a note it says

Meet your Uncle Ryu,

You will pick someone from the airport. I cannot come with him.


Sana sighs heavily and starts to eat her breakfast. She opens a job portal search and finds a job. She sees a job opening for a private Japanese teacher for 5 meetings. She clicks APPLY NOW.

Today is a job hunting day.

"Sana?" her  uncle calls her from the outside. Sana gets her bag and leaves the house. She locks their house and follows her uncle. 


Gwangjong  College

Suho feels sad that he will no longer see Sana in school. It seems everything that connects them starts to break. First, the apartment and now the school.

Chanyeol and others can see that their "Papa Suho"  is sad and spacing out. After school he has an early afternoon coffee shop shift. His phone vibrated from the coffee shop manager.

The manager said that they will change his  shift by tomorrow. Today is Thursday, and his Friday afternoon shift is until 2pm.

"Perfect!" he says in satisfaction.

Friday is the day, Sana will say her answer.



Sana accompanies Uncle Ryu to his Airport pick up service. He offer shuttle  service for people from the airport. It is one of her uncle's sideline, Sana is hoping that she is at the right age now. So  she can join him in his sideline. Besides her uncle knows that she is  a deadly driver.

"How's your mother?" he asks

"She is sad, we need money for papa's." she answers him sadly.

"I stopped schooling, I need another job." she continues. 

Her uncle  remembered her viral moment," Why you shouldn't be an actress?" he tells her. Sana looks at him weirdly and shock.

"I thought you will be a celebrity." he tells her.

"You were a viral hit!" he informs her and Sana laughs.

"Why don't you to be a vlogger? Like your suitor?" he suggests and pertaining to Luhan.

HOPEFULLY YOU ( SANA & SUHO) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now