Chapter 1

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Eren's POV 

I really didn't want to leave the US. I was happy here. I had friends that acknowledged my presence and I even had a boyfriend. Levi was the absolute best and we've even dropped the "L" word. 

Everything was going well this morning, mum made choc chip pancakes and Mikasa hadn't yelled at me today. 

I instantly knew that something was wrong and so mum and dad told me that we're moving to Germany in a week. 

Which wasn't something that you'd like to here this early in the morning. 

I was worried about telling Levi though, we've been together for almost a year now. 

"Eren? I've been talking for 5 minutes now. You haven't been listening, have you?" 

I blinked and realised that I've been walking to school with Levi, "Oh, uh, sorry. I wasn't listening. I have a lot on my mind right now." 

"I know how that feels. You want to talk about it?" 

"Uh, you can go first. I'm still trying to process everything." 

Thinking about it, Levi seemed really nervous, "Uhm, okay then. I was talking with my mum over the weekend and she said that she's moving back to France in a few weeks." 

"Oh? Where are you going to stay then?" 

"That's the thing, Eren. I'm going with her." 


Levi stopped dead in his tracks and glared at me, "Wow. If you wanted me to leave you should've said so sooner." 

"Oh, no. That's not what I meant. My mum and dad told me this morning that we're moving back to Germany in a week. I was just so scared about telling you that I'm leaving. I'm glad that I'm not leaving you." 

I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. 

"What does this mean for us though, Lee?" 

"I...I guess we'll have to end things. Long distance never works out. But I promise you, Eren, I will find you again soon. Okay?" 

I, being manly and all, started crying at this point, "O-okay." 

We spent the next week spending all the time we could together until I had to leave for the airport and leave the man that I love. 

A/N: Heelloi, and welcome to a new story. If you enjoyed, you can vote and comment and all that jazz. It would be appreciated.

Merry Christmas


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