Chapter 6

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It was late when I arrived at the karaoke bar. I took a deep breath and walked inside. 

It smelt of sweat and too much alcohol, the lights were really dim everywhere but ridiculously blinding on the stage and there were a few people singing rather drunkenly. This probably wasn't the best place to test my talent but it was better than nothing. 

I went to the bar and asked if I could sing. He raised a rather bored eyebrow at me and told me I could sing after the next guy. 

I sat down on one of the sofas next to a blonde gentleman with the biggest eyebrows I've ever seen. I nodded slightly and he nodded back. 

The next guy came up and started singing really off key making the microphone do that horrible screechy thing. He sung Cotton Eye Joe and I think he's ruined that song for me. 

Thankfully he finished and I was called up. I took a deep breath and started singing Call Out My Name by The Weeknd. I was so lost in the song that I didn't notice that everyone in the bar had stopped what they were doing and were gaping at me. 

I finished and I opened my eyes to see everyone's gaping faces. Then everyone erupted into applause. I smiled bashfully and went to sit back in my previous seat. 

Captain Eyebrows smiled and patted me on the back, "That was very well done. Is there a specific reason you were singing tonight or just because?" 

"I know that this might sound stupid, but I love someone and they'll probably only like me if I'm a famous singer. I'm just trying to get acknowledged." 

He laughed like All Might, "Meet me outside in a few minutes. I might be able to help you." 

I nodded and he went outside. Now, I know that my mom has taught me to never go anywhere with strangers, but I'm old enough to take care of myself and he said that he could help me. It was worth a shot. 

A/N: If you don't know who All Might is, then you obviously haven't watched My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia. Which you need to do urgently because it's an awesome anime and 110% worth your my opinion.

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