Chapter 3

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The drive to the concert was about 20 minutes. The entire time I blasted No Name and probably upset everyone I drove past. 

When I got to the concert, I presented my ticket to the bouncer. 


"Eren Jaeger." 

"You won the raffle?" 

I nodded and he took me to the front of the concert hall. There was a single chair in front of all the rest of the chairs. I was so excited that I couldn't stay still. I gestured to the chair and he nodded and walked off. I sat in my chair feeling very important. 

The concert started not too long after. Smoke erupted on the stage and L, M and H walked on stage. The crowd roared and so did I. 

"Hey," L said and I almost swooned. His voice was so much better in person. But there was something familiar about it. Probably because I've heard all of his songs 100 times each.

"We're going to start off with Someone You Loved. I wrote this song for the love of my life who I haven't seen in years." 

I frowned slightly, so there is someone. Not that I stood a chance.

He started singing and I was captivated. Everything could have been on fire and I wouldn't have noticed. 

If you looked closely, it seemed as if the bandage were wet. Is he crying? He must really care for the person he's singing for. I'd give anything to be that person. 

After the song, the crowd screamed. He swept his gaze over the crowd and stopped at me. His eyes widened slightly and then he smiled at me. A few girls behind me started squealing about how he smiled at them, then argued about who he really looked at. 

After that, he sung a few more songs including Hizamazuke and Now or Later. 

After the concert, he tilted his head to the side gesturing for me to go back stage. I was so giddy that I was trembling. 

A few of the girls behind me started squealing loudly, "Oh my gosh. Did you see that? L wanted me to come back stage!" 

I sighed loudly and turned to them, "He didn't tell you to do jack shit. I won the raffle and he was gesturing for me to go back stage with him." 

A few of them started asking if they could buy my ticket from me but I just scoffed. 

I started speed walking back stage so that I could meet him. Some part of me felt guilty that I was obsessing over L without considering Levi, but Levi hasn't contacted me in years and I'm not going to dwell on the past. 

I knocked on the door and waited. Someone behind me cleared their throat and I jumped. There was the same body guard from before and he was looking rather amused, "Uh, sir? That's the bathroom door. No Name is this way." 

I blushed darkly and followed him to where the band was. The body guard opened the door and I walked inside. 

H was scribbling something down and I swear she was drooling slightly. 

M came up to me and sniffed me which made me crap my pants. 

And L... Wow, he was sitting on the chair with his legs crossed and his arm draped over the side, "M, leave him alone." 

M backed off a bit but I wouldn't have noticed because I was too busy staring at L. 

"H-hi." I squeaked. 

"Hello Eren." 

Wait, how'd he know my name? L stood up and walked towards me, "You don't remember me, do you?" 

I was beyond confused. But now that he mentioned it, he did seem very familiar. I hesitantly reached forward to remove the bandages. H and M started running towards me to stop me but L raised a hand, "Let him." 

I pulled the bandages off to reveal, "Levi?" 

A/N: Hello, I still live. The songs that No Name sung were Now or Later by Sage the Gemini, Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi and Hizamazuke by Levi Ackerman.

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