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People have always been fascinated by the seas

The way she shines an emerald hue

The way she holds worlds under the deep blue

And the way she covers the wrecks of the forgotten pleas

People have always been fascinated by the waters

The uncertainty of the world beyond the dock

The uncertainty of its depth in the dark

And the possibility of finding one of its treasures

But people are also afraid of the waters

How she can be unpredictable and hopeless sometimes

How unforgiving she can be to those who would test her

And how she would lure sailors to her depths to be long forgotten by the waves

I know people have always tried

To seek beyond what the eyes can see

To seek what lies beyond the mist

To seek those who lost their way toward you

And so I look beneath me, an endless plunge

I don't need your ropes or life-savers

I am an anchor, and I don't mind risking the uncertainty,

if it means finding you at the depths of the sea

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