What If

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Maybe that's the thing that hurts the most, the thought of realizing having a possibility in our reality, the hope that somewhere, someone could be there for us, to save us, to help us through this hell.

Maybe it's just as scary as knowing that it's impossible. But it's there, the thought, it's hanging on your lips. The hope is there, I can feel it. I want you to spit it out. I want you to scream it out loud.

Let them know. Tell everyone what's on your mind. They understand you. They do. Don't you ever deny that? No one's ever too damned to be shut off. They understand you. Don't shut your eyes to that fact. It's not a possibility. It's your reality. So open up. Don't be scared. I know you better than you think. Don't ever think otherwise. Don't ever think you're nothing. They understand you. I swear. And I wish you could see that.

What if you're the only one against yourself

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