A Note to You

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My soul is madness in a shell

My mind is a hurricane, can't you tell?

It's been months of isolation

And years of desolation

My thoughts are curled up in the corner

Shunned and begging for a yearner

Open me up and see

The agony and the misery

I'm celebrating over the pain

The endless pattern that'll cease to remain

the memories that I try to reminisce

But your voice was all it would release

This head is a storm

Sometimes I wish I was never born

But maybe I just need someone to see

The pain that is hanging over me

I'm never content, I'm never at ease

I'll never know what happiness means

I'm wrecked inside this mold

Maybe you were never told

But have you ever tried

To reach out and even mind

Everything that I try to say

Goes through the mind, but is never kept at bay

No one saw me, not even you

The one I thought could see through

But maybe I'm just delirious

Because I know you were never serious

You have this tendency to stir things up inside

You have this tendency to shut down and hide

But you never knew me, you never saw

How I wish that heart of yours would thaw

You gave me reasons to smile

But it was just a short while

It was never meant to last

I know, because that's the day I got lost

You destroyed me and you never cared

How you triggered the storm inside my head

Maybe this, too, would never be known

By the heart of yours that was never shown

Can't you even try

To see how you made me fly

It was temporary bliss, I know

But to you, it'll never show

The shadow of your past is hanging by my wall

Some nights it gets me on its toll

But know this, I wish it would cease

The loneliness I would soon miss

I know things would get better soon

This storm would end then I'll sing a tune

A song that could fix the pain

Or maybe erase the memory of your name

This is a note to you, I dedicate

The one that I thought would take

Every single pain away

But right now, it's here to stay

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