ii. small talk

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"SO LIKE, ARE you from New York or some big fancy state like that?" The blonde boy, JJ, asked

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"SO LIKE, ARE you from New York or some big fancy state like that?" The blonde boy, JJ, asked. Chase currently found himself sitting on the roof with the boy named John B, drinking beer.

Chase shook his head. "Technically, New York isn't even that big of a state." He shrugged, wondering where the girl who had dragged him here was at the moment.

Pope, from below on the deck, laughed at how JJ had been corrected. JJ rolled his eyes. "So what? You're just rich as fuck but you're from some place you don't want to talk about?"

It was Chase's turn to roll his eyes. "I never said anything about not wanting to talk about where I'm from. I moved here from Pennsylvania."

"Hold up, Pennsylvania exists?"

"That's like asking if, I don't know, Idaho or some shit exists."


"Have you ever learned basic geography?" Chase questioned, looking at the nearly full can of beer before downing it all, finishing with a belch.

John B laughed. "Good one, man. Although, maybe slow down?" Chase shook his head.

"I'm good." He felt absolutely no need to slow down.

"Hey, so, is there a girl back in Pennsylvania? Waiting for you or something?" Pope asked from the deck below, picking up a drill from the construction sight they were currently trespassing on.

Chase tensed, shaking his head, refusing to look anywhere but out at the water. "Uh, no."

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets and towel warmers." Kie spoke from below, making her way to the deck where Pope was.

"Of course they would. Why wouldn't they?" The boy asked, shaking his head.

Kie glanced out at the water. "This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles I guess." Chase looked from the water to the girl, his head tilted when the tone of her voice change when talking about the environment, it made him sad, Alanna's eyes used to light up the same way Kie's were when talking about the things she loved.

"I can't have cold towels Kie." JJ said sipping his beer.

Kie directed her attention to the roof, smiling at Chase who sent a sad smile back. She then looked at John B who was standing on the roof instead of sitting like the other boy. "Can you please not kill yourself?" Chase's mouth dropped slightly at the words, feeling his palms begin to sweat.

"Don't spill that beer." JJ called up to the John B. "I'm not giving you another one." As if on cue, he dropped the can, cussing as it crashed to the deck. His friends laughed, Chase only shook his head.


"A plus." Pope clapped before announcing that Security showed up. "Let's wrap it up."

"Boys are early today." John B said, sliding down the roof and joining JJ, Chase following after him.

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