xi. goodbye

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THAT NIGHT HAD ended in another fight, resulting in JJ firing rounds off into the dark sky

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THAT NIGHT HAD ended in another fight, resulting in JJ firing rounds off into the dark sky.

Now, Chase was in his room alone, staring at the ceiling waiting for his phone to ring. The storm had made it impossible to go to the main land to see his therapist, so Dr. Smith had set up an appointment over the phone. When his phone did ring, Chase felt nervous, he didn't want to talk to Smith, there was nothing he had to say to the man. "Hello?" He answered.

"Chase, how're you feeling this morning?"

"Tired." Chase replied.

A small chuckle could be heard from the other line. "Your mother told me you've been going out with a group of kids recently, new friends?" Smith asked casually, pen and notepad in front of him on his desk.

Chase wouldn't exactly call The Pouges his friends rather than an escape from his reality, but now they knew. They knew Chase had moved to Outer Banks because his girlfriend had committed suicide, something they'd pity him for if he hadn't ran off last night. That's not what he needed, or wanted, he wasn't something to be pitied. "Uh, I don't know... Maybe." He looked over at the spot next to him, thinking of Kie, how he had told her everything, how they kissed.

"You're getting along with them?" The man asked.

Chase sighed. "Sure, you could say that."

"Have you been thinking about Alanna?"

Chase closed his eyes, seeing her, he took a deep breath and opened his eyes again. "Always." He had never said something more true, he was always thinking of her, there was nothing more to it. The pictures he had of her, of them both, her hoodie, their memories . His memories now. "I don't want to talk about her-"

"Chase, you need to-"

"No. I said I don't want to talk about her." Chase said, making sure his words were sharp and clear to the doctor. "I'm not doing this anymore. I'm fine. I'm okay. I'm fucking great." Chase hung up the phone angrily, he didn't need anyone asking him anything, he had to deal with it, he knew he could do it too.

"Where'd you go last night?" Caleb asked his older brother.

Chase looked up and saw Caleb in the doorway. "Uh, just to hangout with a few people at the beach." He answered.

"Well, there's someone downstairs saying you punched him in the face last night."

Chase sighed, he knew this would happen. "Yeah well I'm not home. Tell him to leave. Plus, I wasn't the only one who hit him, he can go cry about it to his girlfriend." He rolled his eyes and shook his head, laying back on his bed.

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