iii. under the stars

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CHASE SAT AT the dining table uncomfortably, subjected to a family dinner that he didn't want to be apart of

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CHASE SAT AT the dining table uncomfortably, subjected to a family dinner that he didn't want to be apart of. Alexander sat at the head of the table, glare set on his oldest son. Chase didn't dare look up to meet the man's eyes, his hands were tightened in fists under the table. "How was your day, honey?" Christine asked her husband while pouring more whiskey in his glass.

"Fine, would be better if I didn't have to stare at that piece of shit when trying to eat my meal." Alexander snapped.

"I'll go to my room then." Chase stood abruptly, Alexander downed the whiskey before throwing the glass at the wall. Caleb, Chase and Christine all flinched at the impact. The woman immediately went to grab a broom and dustpan to clean the mess. "Mom, don't-"

"Shut up, boy!" Alexander slurred pointing at Chase, standing as well.

Chase slammed a hand down on the table. "You've treated us like shit ever since we moved here!"

"We moved here because of you! This is your fault! If you had just gotten over that girl we wouldn't be here!"

"Do you think I wanted this!? Do you think I wanted Alanna to kill herself?! I loved her, with everything in me! I loved her!" Chase screamed, tears pooling in his eyes. "I understand that you lost your father, but I not only lost my girlfriend, I lost my dad too because I have no fucking clue who you are anymore." He stormed off to his room, slamming the door, sinking to his knees, now alone he let the tears freely fall down his face. "Alanna." He sobbed, the cries wracking his body. A knock on his window had him jumping up, furiously wiping his cheeks. Chase walked over to the window finding his neighbor on the balcony. "Kiara?" He sniffled in question.

"You can call me Kie- Woah, are you okay?" The girl asked, noticing the tear stains running down his cheeks.

He nodded. "I- I'm fine. What're you doing? How'd you even get up here?"

Kie smiled, something she was always doing. "I've had plenty experience climbing balconies."

The boy chuckled. "You play Romeo in a school play or something?"

Kie laughed and shook her head. "Somethin' like that. Anyway, me and the boys are heading to the Boneyard. Wanna come get wasted with us?"

Chase raised an eyebrow. "The Boneyard?" He asked.

"It's a beach on the South Side. It'll just be the crew, they said I could invite you and it looks like you could use a break." Kie explained, hopeful that Chase would come with.

"Okay yeah, you just got me out of a hellish situation." He climbed out of the window and scaled down the balcony before Kie then helped her down when he could reach her. "Hey, remind me to thank you later."

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