vi. memories

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HER LAUGH WAS the most beautiful thing he had ever heard

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HER LAUGH WAS the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. She was sitting in his lap while some movie played that the girl had found on Netflix. Chase hadn't been paying attention though, he was too busy smiling at his girlfriend.

"Baby?" Alanna whispered, turning to look at him.

"Yes, love?" He responded quietly as she ran her fingers through his hair, her smiling lighting up the dim room.

Alanna bit her lip. "You know that I love you, right?" She asked the boy.

Chase laughed and leaned forward placing a kiss on her lips. "Of course, Lan. I love you too, so much." He kissed her again and she giggled.

"I would never hurt you." She said.

Chase simply smiled. "I know, baby." He peppered sweet kisses all over her face, she laughed once more making Chase's heart swell in his chest as he pulled her closer. Alanna intertwined their fingers as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"You mean the world to me Chase Brooks. You really do."

"You are my world."


"HOW WAS SCHOOL, son?" Alexander asked the boy while Catherine began serving dinner.

Chase smiled at his father. "Great, actually. I
totally aced my Bio test."

"Well I would hope so." The boy's mother laughed. "You and Alanna were up all night studying." Caleb laughed, nearly spitting out his water at the comment.


"Shut up, we were talking on the phone dipshit." Chase grabbed a piece of food from the middle of the table and threw it at his younger brother. Caleb gasped as he was hit in the face, he retaliated, by chucking a roll across the table.

"Boys that's enough." Alexander grabbed the bowl of salad before sitting back in his chair, a bit too quickly, 'accidentally' flinging the salad onto his wife.

"Alex!" Catherine shouted, wiping the food off of her. She took his glass of water and dumped it on the man's head. It didn't take long for everyone to begin a full on food fight. Laughter ringing through the small dining room of their Pennsylvania home.

Later that night, as a family, they cleaned up and found enough money to go out to eat where Catherine made a strict rule not to play with their food.


CHASE AND ALANNA were laying in her backyard, watching the stars, holding hands with smiles on their faces. Nights like these were the one he wanted to last forever, with the girl of his dreams next to him, absolutely no worries in the world. "Your birthday is coming up." Alanna said.

"My birthday is in a month." He told her.

She laughed, shifting to her stomach and propping herself up on her elbows. "I know. So I was thinking that we celebrate early, I mean, you only turn sixteen once, baby." Alanna kissed the boy's lips, moving to straddle him.

When she pulled away Chase whined. "Come back." He grabbed the girl's face gently, having to sit up kiss her again. "Baby, my birthday will be perfect if you're there. That's all I want. You're all I want Alanna."

The girl's expression changed, unsure if she should believe the words her boyfriend was saying. "Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I mean that. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." He kissed her to further prove his point. Chase pulled back, the girl in his arms looked sad. "Baby?" He ran his thumb over her cheek where a stray tear had fallen. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?"

Alanna let out a shaky breath, how could she sit here with such a perfect boy that truly wanted her, it made no sense to her. No one had ever wanted Alanna, but this boy with a bright smile and a beautiful soul did. Chase wanted her and all she was going to do was drag him down. Alanna always wanted what was best for him and she believed she wasn't that, but then he would smile at her like she was the only girl in the world. "Nothing. I just love you so much." She leaned down and kissed him.


IT WAS THE the night before her boyfriend's birthday and Alanna was sat at her desk writing.

Nothing came out right, the words were messy and smeared, the paper covered in tiny speckles of water that had been falling from the girl's eyes. Her vision was blurred from the screen of tears that she tried to blink away. "Dammit." Alanna quietly shouted when the led on her pencil broke again. She threw the writing utensil behind her opening the drawer above her legs and pulling out a pen. There were no more mistakes, this time she got it right.


I know that you are probably horribly mad at me. You're probably thinking it's your fault. I promise you, my love, it wasn't you. You were the only thing keeping me alive. I know that you're going to wonder why, and I can't answer that for you.

I need you to know how much I truly love you. I love you so much that I don't know how to show you. Please, don't ever ever forget how much you mean to me. Just know that I will be thinking of you until I'm gone.

Don't hate yourself, please don't. I want you to be happy, I want you to do everything you want. You're brilliant Chase Brooks, you can do absolutely anything you put your mind to, don't let this hold you back when you can be do amazing things for the world.

you're my everything.
- Alanna.



soo i'm sobbing ✌️
he deserves to be happy again
sorry about the short chapter i just felt like getting a glimpse of the old chase was a good idea.

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