v. daddy issues

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EVERYONE HAD EXPECTED him to be better by now, hoping he would snap out of it

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EVERYONE HAD EXPECTED him to be better by now, hoping he would snap out of it. If only it was that simple.

Chase didn't leave his room for three days not even when Kie came over and asked if he was there. He was there but he was gone, stuck in bed until today. Chase stood in the shower, hot water running down his body as he sighed. Hurricane Agatha had hit yesterday and now Catherine was dragging her sons to meet some people a few blocks away, a family that was known by the whole island. Chase had fought relentlessly but gave in when his mother started crying telling how much they needed this. He washed his hair and body, standing under the practically boiling water for a few more minutes before deciding to get out.

He got dressed trying his best to avoid looking in the mirror while doing so. Chase walked out of his bathroom, nearly letting out a scream when he saw the figure on his bed looking at his ceiling. The girl looked at him when he entered. "I knew you were home." She jumped up with a smile, his messy, wet hair making him look good.

"How did you get in here, Kiara?" Chase asked shaking his head then moved to his dresser.

"The balcony, obviously. What the hell have you been doing the past few days? You party with us then just dip? Was it that bad hanging out with the lower class?" Kie questioned as she stood and walked over to him while he picked up a watch and put it on his wrist.

He shook his head. "Why do you care?"

"What? Chase, I was worried about you." She said honestly, turning him so he would look at her.

He shook his head. "Don't do that."

"Don't do what?" She asked.

"Worry about me. I don't need-"

"Seriously Chase? Because the last time I saw you in this room you were on the ground crying."

Chase looked away from her. "You should go Kie."

"Just come hangout with us Chase. Take a break, we can talk if you-"

"No. You need to leave." He kept his voice quiet, he usually tended to yell at people when it came to them trying to get him to talk about his feelings. "We have nothing to talk about, I'm pretty sure your friends don't like me either."

Kie shook her head. "Look at me." She told him but he wouldn't. "Chase, look at me. Please." He bit his lip before looking down at her, his hazel eyes meeting her brown ones suddenly he wasn't looking at his neighbor but the girl who left him so broken and alone.

"Alanna..." He took a step back quickly, gasping in horror as he tripped over his feet, falling on his back. "Shit!"

"Chase are you okay? Who's Alanna?" Kie kneeled down next to the boy who had tears in his eyes.

"Please, just leave. I have to finish getting ready."

Kie shook her head pulling the boy into a hug. "I don't know what's wrong, but I'm always just next door. Okay?" When he nodded Kie kissed the top of his head before leaving the boy to wallow in his own misery, she had no clue that leaving him alone with his own thoughts was something that did more harm than good.

There was a light knock on his door before it opened. Caleb saw his brother on the floor with tears running down his face. "Uh.. Are you-"

"Don't fucking ask me that question!" Chase yelled, picking up a shoe and throwing it, the object barely missing the younger boy's head.

Caleb looked down at his feet when his brother cover his mouth with his hand and started crying harder. "I'll go get mom."

"Caleb, no. Just tell her I'll be down in a second." Chase huffed out a breath before standing and looking in the mirror, he was wearing black, it looked like he was going to a funeral but he had recently decided that black was the only color (or absence of color) he looked good in. He rolled his eyes then slipped on his shoes before grabbing his phone, turning off the light and closing his bedroom door. When he walked past he took note of his father's office being open.

Chase was quick to make it downstairs where he found his family waiting in the foyer for him. "What the hell took you so long? Crying over that dead girl again?" Alexander questioned his son, opening the front door and making his way outside and into the driver's seat of their white range rover. Chase's jaw clenched as he turned to his mother.

"I'm not getting in a car with him." Chase told her.

Catherine only shook her head guiding her two boys outside. The first thing catching Chase's attention being Kie. "Let's go." The woman said, pulling on his arm but he was stuck in place. "I'm not playing games with you today, Chase. You said you would come."

Chase pulled his arm from his mom's grip, as Caleb got in the car. "Mom, I'm not getting in the car with him."

Alexander got out and moved around the car to stand next to his wife and Chase. "What's the problem?"

"You!" Chase snarled quite loudly. "I'm not sitting in that car with you."

Catherine quickly stood between the two. "Stop it, Chase. Get in the car and there won't be any problems." She tried to reason with them, her neighbor's daughter was right outside next them, she'd be damned if her reputation went down the drain in the few weeks they'd been living here.


Alexander snapped, grabbing the boy's face, his fingers painfully digging at Chase's pale skin. A strangled breath came from the boy when his father used his other hand to wrap it around Chase's throat. "Alex!" Catherine screamed as she watched her son's face turn blue. "You're gonna kill him, let go!" Catherine shoved her husband as hard as she could toward the doorway of the house, the man let go of Chase who crumpled to the ground.

Kie watched it all go down and the second the couple was inside the home and the door was slammed shut she was rushing over to Chase. She landed next to him but when she rested a hand on his shoulder he violently flinched away. "No! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" She had never seen anyone so broken and scared.

"Chase, Chase it's me. It's Kiara." She grabbed his shoulder again, he looked up again, he quickly stood wiping his face. Kie was shaking her head when she hugged the boy tightly for the second time that day but this time Chase let it happen, melting in her arms as he cried. "It's okay. You're okay now." She whispered quietly bringing a hand into his hair to try and sooth him. "Come on, let's go hangout with everyone. We're going out on the boat. I'm not taking no for an answer this time."

Chase nodded letting Kie pull him away from his home as they walked to the docks where her friends were going to pick them up.



ugh baby deserves so much more!!
i swear i cry when he cries :(

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