ix. emotional support

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CHASE WALKED INTO his home, a yawn escaping his lips as he shut the door

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CHASE WALKED INTO his home, a yawn escaping his lips as he shut the door. He heard laughing and talking come from the dining room, it had him very confused. The boy entered the room to see four additional people at the table, his father though was nowhere to be seen. It was his mother and a different man sharing the laughter, Chase couldn't even remember the last time he had heard Christine's laugh. The others at the table must've been the man's children, two girls and a boy.

One of the girls, the blonde looked to be his age while the other one with dark hair seemed to be around the same age as Caleb. The boy looked a few years older than the blonde girl. Chase finally clearded his throat, catching the attention of everyone. His mother looked up with a genuine smile adorning her lips. "Chase, how nice of you to join us. These are the Cameron's, dear."

The man stood and offered his hand to Chase. "Ward Cameron, I've ready heard so much about you." The boy shook Ward's hand. "These are my kids, Sarah, Wheezie and Rafe."

"Nice to meet you all." Chase nodded, his eyes catching Sarah's for a split second. She was pretty, superficially, not in the way he saw Kiara as beautiful. Kie's beauty was much more than what was on the surface. It was the way her eyes lit up when talking about the environment, the way she smiled at him, the sound of her laughter when JJ would make a dumb joke. His phone began ringing and he pulled it out of his pocket. "I uh, have to take this." Chase ran upstairs leaving everyone to their conversation. Walking past his father's office he noted the open door and it's vacancy. "Hello?" He answered the call.

"Chase, dear. How've you been sweetheart?" The soft voice of the woman asked.

"I've been alright, I guess." He said. "How're you? How's David?"

Chase heard her sigh deeply. "I got him out of the house yesterday. We went on a walk with the dogs." Her laugh was sweet, tired though.

He nodded. "That's great, I'm sorry about not reaching out sooner-"

"Oh don't worry about that, dear. I'm glad to hear you're holding up. How was the move? Is Outer Banks as great as everyone says?" She asked, Chase heard some shuffling from the other line before music came softly through the speaker, light music, music that played when you opened a jewelry box.

"Moreen, are you sure you two are alright? I can call more often to check up on you guys." Chase reasoned. Moreen and David were Alanna's parents, kind hearted and willing to do whatever it took to make people happy. They always had been the nicest people Chase had ever met.

Moreen's sniffling sounded to the boy as he sunk down on his mattress. "No, no. We're fine. I just thought I'd see how you were doing. We got her ashes. I'm sending you some, you can spread them as you wish. Her room, is so empty. The house is too quiet without you two laughing and talking all the time."

Chase didn't even realize he was crying until the tears fell down his cheeks. "I miss her. I miss you all."

"We miss her too. I have to get going. Keep doing good, okay?"

"Of course." He smiled sadly, his eyes closed trying to remember the dinners he shared with Alanna and her parents, the nights they had watched movies together. "Tell David I hope he's good, that he should walk the dogs more." They both laughed quietly, painfully even. "It was good to hear from you. Have a good day."

"You too dear. Tell your parents we say hello. Bye now."

"Bye." The called ended and Chase released a shaky breath. "Shit." He grabbed a frame from his bedside table and threw it at the wall.

"Woah, are you okay?" A voice called from his doorway.

Chase looked up. "You know what? No. I'm not okay. I'm not fucking okay. I lost the love of my life, she killed herself as if she was leaving nothing behind! Like she didn't have anything!" He screamed. "Do you know what that's like!? To lose the closest, the best thing you have!"

"My mom." Sarah said. "She died. My dad tried to replace her with some bimbo named Rose but it didn't work out. I think that's why he's here. To smooth talk your mom..." Noticing the look on Chase's face she stopped talking. "Um sorry. Probably not something you wanna-"

"Just get out of my room." Chase snapped, standing and walking to his door, Sarah backing up with each step he took closer to her. "Get your leeching father out of my house too. Incase you weren't informed, Christine's married."

"Well she had no problem kicking your dad out before we got here. Have a good day Chance." She smiled and walked away down the staircase.

Chase rolled his eyes. "Stupid." He mumbled under his breath before slamming his door shut. The boy decided to ignore his problems and take a shower. The hot water washed the day away, the smell of the hotel room and beer, the uneasy feeling of standing on a ledge hoping not to get caught. Chase always felt better after showering. He got out and pulled on a pair of boxers before making it into his room, the broken frame catching his attention. The realization of what the picture was filling him with agony. "Oh no." He was quick to pick it up, glass falling out except for a peice stuck in the corner. The glass had created thin scratches on the photo, one of them running straight across Alanna's face. "God dammit." Chase carefully removed the glass from the corner before standing the frame on his dresser. He sighed, picking up the glass and throwing it away. He shook his head climbing into bed and going to sleep.




also shoutout moreen and her loving nature!!

also also, ward and christine thoughts? conspiracies? let me know.

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