iv. i'm so sorry

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HIS HEAD POUNDED against the inside of his skull, the heavy, newly added weight on his chest certainly wasn't helping

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HIS HEAD POUNDED against the inside of his skull, the heavy, newly added weight on his chest certainly wasn't helping. "Get the fuck off of me." The words came out strangled and hoarse, Chase pushed himself onto his side, the weight falling off of him and crashing to the floor.

"Ow, what the hell!" Caleb smacked Chase in the back of the head, unaware of his headache.

This only fueled Chase's anger, He ripped the blanket off of him, Caleb immediately got to his feet, a high pitched scream leaving his lips as he ran. "Come here, dipshit!" Chase shouted.

Caleb swung a left into the kitchen where Catherine was leaned over the breakfast bar, her head in her hands. "Mom! Help me! I'm about to be murdered! He's gonna bury me where I'll never be found!" The boy screamed again as Chase entered the kitchen, cornering his little brother.

"Boys! Take it outside!" Catherine yelled grabbing Chase's attention, Caleb took the opportunity to punch Chase into the stomach before booking it out the front door. The older of the two was quick to follow, running after Caleb and grabbed him in the middle of the road and lifted him over his shoulder ready to take him inside and kick his ass when the brown bus pulled up in front of Kie's house.

Noticing that it was the girl Chase had in his room the other day, Caleb screamed again. "Hey! Help me!" He called as the girl hopped out of the bus with a blonde boy.

"Chase, you can't kill your brother in the middle of the street." Kie said, JJ nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, especially not in Kook land." JJ told Chase with a shoulder shrug. Chase huffed out a breath before setting his brother down, JJ turned his attention to Caleb. "Hey, are you guys really from Pennsylvania, because I'm pretty sure it's not real." He asked, Caleb raised and eyebrow, turning to Chase.

"Seriously?" Chase shook his head, looking toward Kie who had a smile on her face. John B honked, JJ looked back and rolled his eyes jogging back to the bus and getting in, they rolled off waving goodbye to the three in the road.

Kie scoffed, standing next to Chase. "How are you feeling?" She asked randomly.

"I'm fine, gotta bit of a headache but it's whatever." Chase shrugged, Kie nodded in agreement.

"Well I feel like shit I'm gonna sneak in." She placed a hand on his shoulder before beginning toward her house. "Don't kill your brother." She called as she disappeared around the side if her house.

Chase shoved Caleb than made his way upstairs, right past the door of the office and into his room. He thought about taking a shower when he walked into his bathroom to grab some medicine but going back to sleep felt like the better option. Back in his room he picked a light blue hoodie up off the floor and tossed it on his bed. Chase undressed before crawling into bed, staring up at his ceiling. His fingers curled around the hoodie before he slowly brought it to his nose, inhaling the scent of Alanna. "I miss you." He barley heard himself as he choked on a sob. His body folded up, one arm hugging his legs to his chest, the other clutching the the sweater.

Nothing was the same here. Nothing. Chase wanted to go home, he wanted his girlfriend back, he wanted his life back. He didn't want to be in Outer Banks, pretending like everything was fine, he didn't want to feel intimidated everytime he had to share a meal with his family because his father spent the entire time staring daggers at the boy. Chase's cries got louder, muffled by the hoodie. He wanted to scream until it didn't hurt anymore. Chase wanted to be happy again.

Everything had been ruined the night of his birthday when Alanna left everyone, when Alanna left him. "I'm so sorry." He cried. "Alanna." Broken sobs wracked his body, pain shooting through his chest as his heart broke even more, he hadn't even thought it was possible to hurt more. "I should have been there for you. I should have known." The crying continued for half an hour until he was tired, he was still in a fetal position as he started to fall asleep. "Baby... I'm so sorry."


CHASE WOKE UP, his face still wet as if he'd been crying in his sleep, he felt numb. He didn't even move when his door opened and his mom walked in. "Chase?" The boy didn't say anything. "Baby, Dr. Smith is on the phone."

"No." He said, the word scratching against his throat.

"Well you can't go to the mainland for your appointment because of the storm coming. He wants to talk to you on the phone, dear." Catherine tried to explain sitting on the bed and resting a hand on her son's arm hoping he would face her. "Chase, it's an hour-"

"I said no!" He shouted, his voice cracked then he sniffled hiding himself under the comforter although it didn't provide any sort of comfort. "Get the hell out."

Catherine sighed. "You'll talk to him tomorrow." She told the boy, getting up and making his way out of her son's room. It was quiet as Chase started to cry again.
All he wanted was his old life back.



a short chapter full of my sad baby.

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