x. fight night

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"SO THE GUY that owns the boat is dead and you and your friends are throwing a party?" Chase asked Kie as they walked to the Boneyard

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"SO THE GUY that owns the boat is dead and you and your friends are throwing a party?" Chase asked Kie as they walked to the Boneyard.

Kie shook her head. "Well when you put it that way we sound like the bad guys." She rolled her eyes with a smile, then a light laugh escaped her lips.

The boy's breath caught in his throat at the sound. He couldn't remember the last time his breath had been taken by a girl. "Nah, no way you could be a bad guy. You're too short."

"Hey! Leave my height out of this." Kie demanded, her eyebrows and nose scrunching up angrily however Chase only saw it as adorable.

"Sorry, sorry." A ghost of a smile appearing on his lips. "Anyway, do you know anything about this family, uh, the Cameron's?" He asked Kie about the people in his home yesterday, he wanted to know more, specifically about the blonde who had been the first person on the island to find out about the girl Chase lost in Pennsylvania.

"The Cameron's? What? Why?" Kie asked, thinking of Sarah and how she'd so easily been dropped by her.

"Well they were at my house yesterday-"

"You should stay away from them, all of them. I mean seriously, Chase. Rafe is a drug dealer, Ward is as shady as they come. And Sarah-" Kie shook her head, not in the mood to talk about her former best friend. "I get it, ya' know, she's pretty and all that but if you want to get with her we can't be friends, plus she has a boyfriend."

Chase looked at the girl beside him then laughed, stopping as she continued to walk away. He rolled his eyes and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back to face him. "Sarah Cameron is the last girl I want to get with, Kiara. Sure she's pretty but that's not what I worry about when it comes to girls. She has daddy's money and a good reputation but is she a passionate person? Someone who you can go night swimming with to look at the stars? Someone to talk about mentally ill artists with?" Kie smiled as she realised the words he spoke were about her.


"Wait, just let me talk. I mean you? You're beautiful, I'm sure you know that, but your beauty is so much more than what everyone can see. It's your laugh, that sparkle in your eyes, the way you talk about the things you love, the way you care about everyone." He smiled softly at the girl, left hand resting on the side of her neck, his thumb lightly running over her jawline as she looked up at him with her chocolate colored eyes. "You're an amazing person, that's what makes you so beautiful, Kiara."

Kie had never really had a boyfriend before, so when she would lay awake at night thinking about the smile Chase always managed to bring to her face, the feeling she got was pretty new. She of course had liked plenty of boys, and plenty of boys had liked her but something about Chase felt different, she just couldn't put a finger on it. So Kie simply stood on the tips of her toes and kissed the boy's cheek. "Thank you, Chase."

"Anytime." He smiled back at her. "Come on, let's go celebrate a dead man's death." He laughed and took her hand as they made their way to the beach.

Upon arrival Chase found the Boneyard to be much, much fuller than last time he was there. The two walked toward Kie's friends who were servering beers to the party goers. JJ and John B raised their owns beers in greeting of Kie and Chase. "I see you got him to come." John B said.

"Well you're an observant one, aren't you?" Chase raised an eyebrow.

"I just didn't expect you to come seeing as we're slowly dragging you into a life of crime." The brunette explained.

Chase scoffed. "Right because I'm a church boy with intentions to get a merit scholarship."

"Cut the chit chat and give Pretty Boy a drink already." JJ told John B, he nodded than poured a beer and handed it to the boy.

"Yo, Chance!" They heard, Chase and Kie both looked behind them. Four people were walking over to them, two of them Chase recognized, two he didn't. "It is Chance, right?" A tall blonde boy asked, to his side was clinging Sarah Cameron. On his other side was Rafe Cameron and a dark-skinned boy Chase had never seen before.

"Chase actually, good to see you again, uh, Sammy? Right?" The boy asked, directing his attention towards Sarah.

"That's great, man." Topper held his hand out, Chase looked to the boy's hand but didn't shake it. "Name's Topper."

Chase nodded. "That's great, man. Did you guys need something? Want a beer?" He stepped to the side, so they could see John B and JJ.

"Actually, yeah. Yeah I did need something. My girlfriend here was telling me about this crazy kid who screamed at her and was breaking glass in his room, talking about how she found him crying so he totally went off on her. Screamed about how his girlfriend killed herself and left him and her parents." Chase could feel The Pouges' eyes on him. "And then we get to this party, Sarah points you out and now we're here." The smirk on Topper's face is what made his blood begin to boil. "So is it true?" He asked.

"Is what true?"

"That you're a psycho? That you went crazy after your girlfriend killed herself and your parents forced you to move here?" Topper's stupid face held a smirk that made Chase want to hit him.

"Shouldn't you, be like, in a psych ward or something?" Rafe laughed, as did his friends.

Chase's ears were ringing as his vision blurred, he didn't feel Kie tugging on his arm, he couldn't hear anything coming from her or the others. Then everything that happened next was a blur. Chase ripped his hand from Kie's, curling his fingers into a fist before punching Topper right in the mouth. "Shit!" He shouted as JJ cheered him on seeing as Topper was kneeling in the sand. Chase was quickly walking away from the scene, shaking his hand in pain before trying to flex his fingers but that only lead to more pain.

"Wait! Chase!" Kie called after him, following when he didn't even turn back to look at her. The boy opened a cooler grabbing whatever alcohol bottle was in there, happy to have grabbed vodka rather than whiskey. The ringing in his ears lowering as he caught sight of an empty hammock. He sighed in defeat, there was no way he could get away with punching an asshole like Topper without consequences. Chase fell onto the hammock, the bottle in his hand felt too cold, he let go of it, resting his hands behind his head, he already wanted the day to be over. "Chase." Kie called as she approached him.

"You don't don't know the true story." He said simply, looking toward the sunset.

She reached out and touched his arm. "Then tell me."

"It's a long story." Chase muttered. "A messy one too. One you don't want to hear."

"I can deal with messy. Just talk to me." She sat in the hammock with the boy, pushing a few curls away from his eyes. "I'm here." Kie grabbed his hand as his eyes closed.

"I loved her so much, Kiara. I- she-" A shaky breath escaped his lips. "She meant the world to me. Alanna left me, she left everyone like we meant nothing. I miss her everyday, she was my best friend. We were together for a long time. When she died it crushed me. I never thought I'd be happy again. My parents moved us here and then we meet the neighbors and you're dragging me to some construction sight." He paused to look up at her. "And you smiled at me that day and I finally felt like the old Chase. I want him back but he's long gone but you pulled a peice of me back, Kiara."


"You saved me." Staring at eachother, they felt safe and content in their hectic world. "You saved me, Kiara." He pressed his lips to hers gently, relief flooding him when she kissed him back. Finally, he was okay.


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