vii. sunken ships

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CHASE IGNORED THE the strange looks he received from the group of teens on the boat as he sat on the bow with Kie

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CHASE IGNORED THE the strange looks he received from the group of teens on the boat as he sat on the bow with Kie. "Are you okay?" The girl softly questioned.

A quiet, breathy laugh escaped the boy's mouth. "I'm fine, okay? Please don't ask me that anymore."

Kie nodded before the attention of the two was directed toward JJ. "So pretty boy, where the hell you been? The Kooks finally get to you?" He asked Chase while opening another beer.

"Find Pennsylvania yet JJ?" Chase raised an eyebrow at the blonde who pursed his lips.

"Shut up."

Pope shook his head. "No but seriously, you disappeared for a few days. Did you get tired of hanging out with the lower class?"

Chase rolled his eyes. "I haven't been rich my whole life you know? It wasn't always like this." He was quickly getting tired of this, he wanted to be in his room locked away and safe.

"People don't become rich overnight." John B said from the driver's seat of the boat.

"Guys leave him alone." Kie told the boys shaking her head, she brought him here to catch a break not to be interrogated by her friends.

JJ only shrugged before stepping up on the bow. "Let me show you a party trick. Pope can you go a little faster please."

"Oh god here we go, I'm movin'." John B said moving to the back of the boat.

Pope groaned in annoyance. "It doesn't work. We've tried this like six thousand times."

Chase didn't know was really going on as The Pouges all complained about JJ's 'party trick' "It'll work, I got this." JJ announced confidentially. He lifted his beer bottle and then tipped it as Pope sped up, the beverage mostly missed the boy's mouth, instead spraying on Kie and Chase.

"JJ! You're getting beer in my hair!" Kie shouted as Chase laughed a little, not really caring about getting beer all over him.

"Alright, alright!" Pope called.

John B was laughing as well. "Alright, you're done!"

The complaining stopped when the boat came to an abrupt stop sending everyone forward. JJ went flying into the water as everyone else was in the boat. Chase hit his back against the wall harshly, feeling his body scrape against it. He groaned, sitting up. His hand fell in Kie's shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?"

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