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being cheated on after a year together isn't that serious, it was only a kiss. we were fighting at the time and he apologized.

     being lied to about who he's hanging out with and what he's doing isn't that serious. it was only lunch with the girl he knew i didn't like and he apologized.

     being made look like the bad guy every time you bring up your feelings isn't that serious. i'm probably just being dramatic. besides, it's only his family that don't seem to like me and he apologized.

the only reason i don't get the same effort back is because he's busy and it's okay because he still tells me he loves me.

that's all that matters, right?

     luke constantly told me that i should leave me boyfriend of four years because of the way he treats me, but he didn't know him like i did. sure he was there for all the times i've gotten mad and cried over the way daniel treated me but luke didn't hear the things he would say to make it all better. luke wasn't there when daniel would kiss me and apologize for the way he acted. i knew where luke was coming from and he just wanted the best for me. he didn't want to see his friend hurting any longer but there wasn't really an issue; it was normal.

     as much as my relationship with daniel could hurt at times, i couldn't imagine what it would be like without him. every relationship had its hardships.

     daniel and i had met in our senior year of high school through a mutual friend and we eventually became inseparable. when he asked me out right before graduation i couldn't be happier and we moved in together a year later. since then he had been my rock. he supported me all throughout business school and i couldn't be more grateful for that.


i let a groan escape my lips as i placed my head in my hands and squeezed my eyes shut.  my best friend luke, who sat across from me, kicked me under the library table with a chuckle.

"shh we're gonna get kicked out of here again! they just let me come back." he whispered but bit his lip to hold back his laughter.

as i reached down to rub my shin, i sent him a playful glare.  "hey, it's not my fault you got kicked out last time lucas." i shut my laptop and began shoving my things into my bag.

he giggled again showing off his deep dimple before shooting a glare at a nearby table that were shushing him. i shook my head amusingly.

"you're leaving me?" luke pouted as i stood up.

i nodded. "i've had enough studying today, and i need to get home. i'm surprising daniel with dinner for our anniversary." a proud grin covered my face as my best friend just shook his head.

"well text me later and tell me how it goes." he smiled slightly and waved before turning his gaze back to his books.

i stopped at the store on the way home to get a few things for dinner before making my way to my apartment.

daniel and i hadn't talked much today so i figured he was busy at work and i wanted to surprise him with dinner. today also happened to mark our four year anniversary together which was all the more reason to cook him a nice dinner to celebrate. these past four years may have had some rocky moments but coming this far together made up for any challenges we had faced and i wanted to remind him of how grateful i was for him.

when i arrived home it was already 5' o clock and daniel would be home in about an hour. i spent that hour preparing dinner and cleaning up the house a bit before he arrived home. i made sure to set the table and light some candles before placing the card i got him on the counter to see when he walked in.

right before 6, i pulled dinner out of the oven and looked around the house once more just to make sure it was perfect before taking out my phone and sending luke a picture of what i had done for tonight.

dinner turned out better than i thought !

medinner turned out better than i thought !

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looks great.. 🤢

jk. i'm sure he'll love it

have fun.. but not TOO much fun. ;)

i shook my head and checked the time on my phone before putting it down. daniel was a little late but he was probably just stuck at work.

to keep dinner from getting cold i put the plates in the oven while i waited and watched the clock tick by

at 6:45 i called my boyfriend only to get no response.

once it hit 7 i sent a text to ask him where he was.

at 7:30 i sat down and ate alone.

at 8' o clock i blew out the candles and began to clean up the mess of dinner.

maybe he had to stop somewhere after work and his phone died. maybe he was doing something special for our anniversary. maybe his mom called and needed help with something at home.

once the kitchen was clean, i sent one more text before going to lay on the couch. i mindlessly flicked through channels, eventually putting on a random movie to distracted myself from the clock.

it wasn't until 10:30 when i was half asleep on the couch that i heard the door to our apartment open. i stood and carried myself to the kitchen to greet my boyfriend. he stood with his back to me looking at the table before glancing down at the card on the table.

"shit.. laila i'm so sorry, today was busy at work and some of the guys wanted to go out for drinks after. i completely forgot what day it was." he said and turned to me to press a kiss to my forehead.

"i texted you this morning.." i trailed off, looking down at the floor.

"i had my phone on silent babe, like i said, we had a busy day."

i nodded and ran a hand through my hair. "yeah it's fine danny, i get it. dinner is in the oven for you. i'm gonna head up and get ready for bed." sure i was upset but i couldn't be mad at him for having to work, it would be selfish of me.

i made my way into the bathroom so i could shower and brush my teeth and by the time i was done daniel was already laying in bed scrolling on his phone. i crawled in beside him and leaned over kissing his cheek softly.

"happy anniversary danny."

"happy anniversary babe." he repeated and set his phone beside him. "goodnight."

"i love you.." i whispered as he turned off the light and laid down and i eventually did the same.


{author's note}
still not my best writing but i'm feeling good about this story haha.
it will pick up soon, promise.

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