twenty seven

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luke's birthday went surprisingly well and he had seemed to have had a pretty good time. at least that's what he told me as i helped the stumbling boy to his room last night. as promised i slept beside the drunk boy letting the other guys sleep in my room. ashton got stuck on the couch this time.

the blonde giggled as he hiccuped. "laila," he whispered. "are you awake?"

i chuckled. "yes luke." i hummed and brushed his hair from his eyes as he hiccuped again.

"can you cuddle me?" he pouted up at me and i nodded.

"yes now go to sleep." i chuckled and wrapped my small arm across his torso and leaned my head on his chest. he hummed and placed his hand on my back as we both drifted off to sleep.

when i woke up in the morning i was surprised to find luke not in bed beside me, but i got up and my way to the kitchen. i was greeted with a chorus of mornings for the other three boys, but the blonde was still no where to be found.

"morning boys." i yawned and walked over to grab a cup of coffee. "where's luke?"

calum snickered and pointed back down the hall. "you know blondie can't hold his alcohol." i rolled my eyes and chuckled before heading down the hall to the bathroom. i knocked gently before pushing the door open when i heard the boy grumble.

"morning sunshine." i chuckled softly as he scowled at me. i crouched on the floor behind him and pulled his hair back into a small bun to keep it off his face. "how are you feeling?"

he groaned again and gagged slightly. "i'm never drinking again. the thought makes me sick."

i frowned and rubbed his back gently. "you need anything?" he shook his head.

"i'm okay, think i'm gonna shower." he smiled gently before slowly standing up. i nodded and let him be, shutting the door behind me as i went back to the kitchen.

"where's the princess?" calum asks with a smug smile.

"showering." i laugh taking a seat at the table with the boys.

"great so we have time to ask questions!" michael cheered. "so laila, you and hemmings have been awfully close lately, anything you'd like to share with the group?"

i raised an eyebrow at the boy and shook my head. "we're best friends, what else is there to share?"

"oh don't play dumb," he laughs. "a little birdie told me that puke has a crush on you, were you aware of this?" i felt my cheeks heat up, but nodded at the mention of it.

"michael leave the poor girl alone." ashton scolded swating the boy's arm.

"i am aware." i mumbled anyway earning a satisfied smile from michael who proceeded to flip off ashton.

"so the feelings are mutual?"

"if you're asking if i like luke then the answer is yes. but calum already knew that." i smirked taking the attention off of me as michael turned to the dark haired boy with a hurt expression.

"how dare you not tell me about her crush on luke!" he scoffed.

"i saw them kiss too!" calum piped up causing me to groan internally.

"you've kissed?" michael cried. "is my whole life a lie? next you're going to tell me they've had sex!"

"not that i know of-"

"enough!" i laughed at the argument occurring around me.

"yeah listen to the laila. stop shouting, my head is killing me." we all turned our heads to see luke appear from the hall, his curls once again pulled back in a bun, clad in sweatpants and a random band tee.

"oh shit, they've definitely fu-" michael was cut off mid sentence to another slap from ashton.

"excuse me?" luke asked seeming slightly tired with the conversation already, probably due to his rough hangover.

"well since you and laila decided to hide your little relationship from me, i've decided to do my own investigating." he smiled proudly causing luke to roll his eyes.

"we aren't keeping anything from anyone. we aren't in a relationship yet, it's one date that i got lucky enough to score, so you idiots better not mess it up for me." i blushed and glanced over at luke with a smile.

"so you guys haven't had sex then?" michael questioned causing me to roll my eyes playfully.

"no michael." luke mumbled seemingly annoyed before walking up behind me and wrapping both his arms around me. his head rested on my shoulder. "can you kick them out?" he whined.

i giggled and looked back at the boys. "you heard the man, out."

"fine we're leaving." michael said putting his hands up in defense. "i don't wanna third wheel anyways."

"goodbye michael." i chuckled and waved as all the boys made their way to the door. once it was finally shut luke groaned.

"thank god they are gone." he mumbled against my neck and i turned to wrap my arms around him as well.

"be nice or i might have to cancel our date." i tease causing the blonde to pout at me.

"you wouldn't dare." he grumbled as he pulled away and turned to the coffee pot to pour himself a cup. i hummed questioningly with a raised eyebrow. we both knew i was only teasing however. i was actually really excited about going on a date with luke. whenever i thought about it i got butterflies in my stomach which i haven't felt in a long time. i was so nervous.

"i'm going to go shower now, you rest." i hummed softly watching as the blonde nodded. "and cheer up loser. i think you might have some planning to do." i watched as the small smile on his lips grew wider before i headed to go get ready. i wasn't really sure what to expect from all of this considering i was going on a date with my best friend, but i couldn't be more excited.

{author's note}
may be a little rushed because i was excited to get another chapter out.
it's also short because i don't know how to write filler chapters, but i hope you enjoy anyway.
thank you for reading!
let me know what you think.

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