Getting ready for a movie

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Michaels P.O.V

Tahlia and I were sitting downstairs eating breakfast, we heard someone laughing as they ran down the stairs.

"Whos that" she asked looking up from her phone 

"I have know idea" I laughed 

Luke came running through the door

"What?" Tahlia asked

"I just walked in on Ash and Rubi having like a full make out session, clothes were off and all well like boxers and bras were still on but if I walked in a minute later it cou-" he said but got cut off by me "Shut up we get it" 

"Eww, why didnt you knock" Tahlia giggled

"Because its my room too and I thought they were still fighting" Luke said as he grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard

Kendall walked into the kitchen with an oversized jumper on with black socks, she had her head phones in so she wasnt paying attention to anyone she was dancing... 

"Hey" Tahlia said 

Kendall didnt even realise we were all staring at her trying not to laugh, she kept dancing as she poured the milk into the bowl that was filled with fruit loops and then left the room as she started to sing.

"What the fuck was that" I laughed

"I have know idea" Tahlia said 

"She done that in the car the other day too" Luke said as he stuffed his face with fruit loops again 

"Movie day!" Ashton yelled as he walked into the room hand in hand with Rubi 

"Yeah its the last day here so were watching movies" Rubi added

"Cool I'll go get blankets" Tahlia said as she stood up and walked out of the room 

"Ill make popcorn" I said 

"I'll go get Lucy and Calum from the pool" Rubi said

"Ill get Kendall" Ashton added before everyone left the room 

Rubi's P.O.V 

I walked out to Calum and Lucy in the pool they were in the middle of drowning eachother?

"Oie movie day" I said

"Yep coming" Calum said as he swam over to the steps 

We all walked inside and everything was ready, the blankets were out. Ashton had a spot saved for me next to him. I looked up to the screen an seen that we were watching Anabelle. SHIT.

"Seriously guys" I said 

"Yeah get over it" Ashton said

"You just want us girls to hug you when we get scared" I laughed

"Yeah, what's wrong with that." Luke said with a massive smile on his face

What's with Lukey lately

"You hug me even if you arent scared" Ash smirked 

"Im gonna get dressed" Lucy said as she ran up the stairs 

"Yeah me too" Calum said as he walked out of the room 

I heard Kendall come down stairs, she was wearing her hair in a high ponytail, I have never seen her with one she suits it.

I walked over to Ashton and sat beside him but I made sure I wasnt cuddling up with him just to tease him, with seconds he pulled me into a tight sqeeze and left his arm over my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. Kendall was sitting inbetween Ash and Luke, she had her head on his lap and her legs curled up. Michael was sitting on the other side of Luke and Tahlia was sitting beside Michael.

I think I love you... (5sos)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora