Chapter 6

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Daniel didn't like the feeling he was having now. He thought after closing his eyes for a minute or so, he should have reached this planet. He still couldn't believe what they said. But, all he got after a minute was a lot of pain in his forearm. His rune. It was burning like as though a fire had been ignited in it. When he opened his eyes, he saw it was glowing but there was...was he hallucinating? He saw another rune.

It was the same as the other's runes. But all of them were glowing this time. Not only one of the elements. The Holder's sign. And suddenly, he fell to the ground. It felt soft and comfortable. He wanted to lie down there if not for the pain.

He opened his eyes to see the 5 of them clutching their runes as well. It looked as though it was glowing for them as well. He looked around and saw plants. A lot of them. Not some ordinary plants. It looked and smelt beautiful. He understood by what Luke meant of too much pollution. This place seemed like heaven compared to Earth.

"Sorry, but it always hurts when we rune-travel." Keith said after about five minutes. He didn't look any better than the rest of them, but he was the only one who spoke. The rest were all busy throwing up."We don't usually practise this, so it hurts whenever we try to rune-travel"

Daniel didn't know how to break it to them. Hey guys, I am the Holder. with an evil smile didn't really suit this event. But he had to make a decision quickly. The 5 of them got up and were about to go to this new person--Meynel or someone Jason mentioned.

"So, I was wondering." They all turned to him. "If the coloured part of your rune is the element is the element you control, then the Holder's rune would be fully coloured right?" Daniel asked. This was how he should start to reveal his new rune.

"Yeah, why are you asking this suddenly?" Luke asked, frowning.

Daniel revealed his left forearm once again. Everyone gazed onto the rune. The rune had all 4 of its elements coloured. Blue for water. Fire was red with a taint of a blue-ish colour. The terrain/turf was dark green and Air was was grey with some silver at its borders.

Seeing into the rune itself gave him hope. He suddenly felt he would be a great king if he became one. But when he saw his friends (he thought of them as friends. They did stick with him), all that hope wasn't there. He was still that same hopeless case. It dawned on him that it was because of staring at the rune that he had that sudden hope.

All of them became very happy. And that was an understatement. All 5 of them stared at it with surprise, then quickly Luke hugged him out of delight, and Jason, Keith and Kane looked as though a huge weight has been lifted from their shoulders.

Only Thalia didn't show any enthusiasm of it. She just folded her arms and looked away, scowling.

"This is great news! You were the Holder" Luke said, brightly.

"It is not even good news! Let alone great news, Luke!" Thalia looked furious. "You might have forgotten that he is also the Lightning Prince. He is our defender and our enemy" and she scowled at Daniel, now, "How are we even going to tell this to them? They'll be fuming when they hear about this."

And she walked away looking like she would kill anyone who made her angry one more time.

Daniel frowned "What does she mean by I'm your defender and your enemy. The Holder, does he protect you from only....The Lightning Kingdom?"

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