Chapter 30

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All of them were tied up, and it also looked like they were attacked. I could see Jason's mouth bleeding and all of that. Me being shocked would be an understatement. I didn't know what to do. I knew one thing I wanted to do so badly. I wanted to use my bending and open their bindings. Heal them and transport them. Even Wilhelm wasn't talking.

"Come on bro!" Roël shook his head, dissapointedly. "You think that was enough to beat me. I destroyed Luke, Jason, Keith and Kane. I didn't want to harm Thalia, but it is what it is."

I glared at him. Roël didn't even look fazed. He shrugged, "Get the sword for me and maybe I'll let them go"

"You know I will not, Roël. Get it yourself!" I shouted. I didn't even need to look infruirated. I was already very much in fury. I now wanted to summon my swords and destroy him, kill him and Joanne. Screw what I said about not killing people, I would even behead them if I have to.

Roël grinned, "Frankly speaking, from your point of view, this quest was such a bad idea. You should have not come here.", He emphasised the you, I assumed he meant me and not my whole team.

I frowned, my anger replaced with curiosity, "Why?"

Roël sneered, "The Sword was created for me" I wasn't that surprised for that. The word Darkness certainly did explain him a lot. If it was made for him why hadn't he taken it? "But I couldn't hold it just yet." he continued. "The Sword has to be held by you and you need to give it to me" I again was astounded, but this time, I didn't show it.

"Tell me how you manage to hide the fact that I was supposed to take it" I said. I wish that would at least buy time for my friends to wake up.

Roël shook his head, "You have no chance buying time for yourself." He probably knew about mind reading, "The Planet of Corviopolis will be down in a few days. Their troops are preparing, and even if you do beat me, you still have to beat Joanne and my army of 23 thousand men. Even the Holder and the Chosen One would be destroyed"

A hologram appeared. "This is how I want the Nation to be." and guess what, the Nation was in ruins. All of its buildings destroyed, the House of Fire had its logo removed. The fire now resembled a fire that would die any second now.

"Once that fire stops burning, the whole Nation would be destroyed. It tells us how strong the Nation is." Roël was gleeful. I had to do something, I came so far. I am not getting stopped by a guy called Roël. I knew I wanted to win, but I knew it was impossible. Surrendering also would be a bad idea. I had two choices, either to talk and do something or lay my life down. Die, in simpler words. This way, he would never get the Sword and the Nation might have some chance to survive.

I couldn't choose the second option right away. I had to try to talk and then, maybe die. I didn't even explain my situation to my father (Jack) . I imagine he would be quite angry if he finds out I die now. We can't be having that. I had one choice for now.

"You're just scared, Roël." I sneered at him. He blinked, "Why would I be scared, Lucifer?" he retorted.

"You're scared I'll take the Sword for myself, and use it on you. I already beat Joanne once with these", and I summoned the Swords of Jonathan. He eyed it, distastefully. He then gloated, "You think the Sword will choose you. The sword shows Darkness, Daniel. You need to be stronger than the visions it will show you. I am the darkest man ever."

What he said did have a point, and he continued as well, "Anyways, even if you try, the Sword will emit all of its darkness in you. You need to be strong to hold that and its visions. Do you know how I know I'm strong to do that?"

The Lightning Prince and the Sword of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now