Chapter 34

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I thought me coming back to Earth would be more climatic. I did not like this place a lot anymore. The air didn't seem fresh, water didn't seem fresh and I could feel the fire within myself, trying to overpower me. Even the turf was disobeying me.

We were walking all the the way to the house when I saw Ashley. What is she doing here?, I thought to myself as she was looking at me with surprise.

"Daniel! Where were you all this time!?" she asked, looking at me. It was right at this time did I remember that I wasn't wearing a shirt. I had only my cloak. My runes, clearly visible. I turned my hands away, hiding the runes.

"I-I-I found out who my parents were and went to meet them and stay with them for a while." I stuttered. I might have mentioned, I'm not too good with girls.

"Oh, right. How were they? Were they nice?" she asked, she looked interested. Or she was staring. One of the two.

"Yeah. They were amazing, We talked to each other for some time." I replied. I wanted this conversation to end quickly. Thalia would kill me if she finds out I wasn't there when she woke up. Thinking about Thalia made this conversation even more uncomfortable.

"Who is this girl?" she asked, nodding towards Zekire. "Is she your sister?" she asked amazed. "You both looked very unlike."

"Sort of. We actually need to go to my parents now. We're in a rush", I said. She nodded, with a hurt expression. What could I do? I hated talking to this particular girl. She always was a little too excited to talk to me.

We both left and as soon as we were out of her earshot, "Who was that?" Zerkire demanded. "Is she your girlfriend!?" now her tone hurt a lot. I knew I didn't like this dating thing, but was it necessary to emphasise the 'your' that much.

I silently shook my head, "We both went to the same school here." I said

She nodded, "Thalia might drive her sword through you when she finds out about this."

Now come on! I say that she and Hazel are alike, they must be related. It was a routine for Hazel to threaten me and Roberto. This girl decides to hop on to the trend of threatening poor, innocent Daniel Lucifer. How does she even know who Thalia is?

I looked at where I'm at and notice we're literally four houses away from their house. I like to prank my Mum, as you might know. I called Zekire, "Alright, look. I'm surprising my mother." she nodded, excitedly "I'll ring the bell and Mum will open the door." She grinned, waiting. "You ask if you can get some water to her. She'll probably nod and go for fetching it. That time, I'll surprise her!"

She wanted to do a prank all alone, but I doubted whether my mother would appreciate someone she thinks looks like a sweetheart pranks her. (Don't call me out. I got Lucifer as my surname) We agreed on the plan. I did the honours. I rung the bell, and she opened it after I could hide. She looked at Zekire fondly, "Hazel's playmate?" she nodded. Maybe she thought she could manage another prank.

"No!" I intervened, "You are not Hazel's playmate." I got a glare from Mum. She probably wouldn't have forgiven me for leaving without telling her. I could see she was controlling herself from shouting, she managed her best way of talking,

"Daniel Lucifer! You are SO in trouble! Do you have any idea of how worried we've been!?" and later she frowned, "Where is your shirt?"

I just stared at her, Was my actual mother like this? I thought, but I knew I would be in even more trouble if I said that. I evaded the last question. We all entered the living room, I saw Hazel and Roberto drawing. The moment Hazel looked at Zekire, I knew we all landed on a huge problem. Two pranksters in the same household was not a good idea.

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